Friday, November 29, 2019
Japanese History an Example of the Topic History Essays by
Japanese History by Expert Bella Hamilton | 29 Dec 2016 Japan, as a nation, is a continually changing society. Ever since western nations became involved with Japan, it's changes over recent times have increased at a substantial rate. Japan now faces cultural, economical and social differences as a result of the western involvement. The involvement was initiated by the Japanese themselves, beginning during the Meiji Period1 through current times. As time increases, Japan is slowly becoming more 'westernized' because of western involvement. Western involvement is greatly affecting Japan. Need essay sample on "Japanese History" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Western involvement began in Japan during the late 1800's. The Meiji dynasty helped to carry it through, seeing the importance of western ideas. "Learn all you can from the Europeans and Americans"2 was what Emperor Meiji was saying to the Japanese in 1867. During this period, Japan agreed to change it's hereditary authority and class barriers between its people.3 Japan also opened their ports during this period4 and sold fuel to other countries such as the Us.5 The Japanese language took a major turn, too, with the addition of borrowed words from all over the world.6 Japan borrowed the American education system of elementary, middle school and universities during this time.7 A new western style army and universal military conscription program were soon set up by General Yamagata Autamo as well.8 College Students Very Often Tell Us:How much do I have to pay someone to write my assignment today?Essay writers propose: Buy Essay Papers And Live Free From TroublesCheap Essay Writing Service A Website To Write Essays Help With Assignment Write My Essay Online The Meiji period was an important part of Japan's changing western ways. After World War II, Japan changed forever. With the Atomic bomb physically destroying their cities, and their defeat destroying their imperialistic mentalities, Japan was deeply wounded. Japan lost the respect of the world during the war and few people felt sorry for them. However, they were soon willing to accept the concepts and ideas from abroad.9 The Us helped Japan and showed them many new things to help them get on their feet again. We explained to them about the electric telegraph and soon after we even connected them with California's telegraphs.10 Many Japanese women started to wear western dresses or even sweaters and slacks.11 Japan changed politically as well. Japan became pided up into 47 prefectures, which are similar to American states. Japan has carried over America's democratic ideas of social freedom, economic independence, and democratic liberties and privileges Japan's government soon began the executive, legislative, and judicial branches seen in America seen after the war.13 These changes all became possible soon after the war with great financial aid from the Us.14 Japan's progress in America's modernization program was so fast, we had to begin recognizing Japan as a world power.15 After Japan's modernization program, Japanese life began to change less dramatically, but never stopped. Within recent times, many western- style appliances and such can be found in Japanese homes.16 The Japanese schools, based on America's, teach the same things in grade school as American schools.17 Many of the students are learning in these schools to take English language courses to help them as they get older.18 Sports today, are shaped similar to America's. Japan has carried over many sports from America including frisbees, jogging, skateboarding19, and baseball.20 Baseball is among their favorites and was brought over by an American teacher as far back as the late 1800s.21 Japanese baseball is made up of the same components of American baseball as well. For example, leagues in Tokyo are made up with leagues of 6 universities similar to our leagues.22 The Japanese have joined the Olympic game stream and now they are active participants and were even hosts for the 1964 Games.23 Many clubs after Japanese schools end were brought over from Western countries, too.24 Following the world trends, Japanese silk mills have turned largely to the spinning of synthetic fiber textiles, which was started from the west, to keep up with other countries in the silk trade.25 Many of the Japanese people now wear and even make western style clothing everyday, except for special occasions or relaxing at home.26 The family lives are even becoming similar to Western ways as the children get more respect and the members learn to voice their opinions in a household.27 Japan, with recent developments, needs to trade with other nations and learn from them.28 In summary, this paper Japan, with the growing western influence, is changing very rapidly. Japan survived the initial shock of the western impact only to run into the problems of the west today.29 Yet, Japan continues to try to overcome these challenges by every passing day. Japan is a much different country from the pre-1800s. Because of these changes, Japan has a different cultural living currently, with the introduction of baseball to Japan and other sports. Japan's economy has changed with the inclusion of American money and products in trade. Finally, Japan's political ideas have changed shape with our Democratic model which we've passed onto them. Japan is learning that the West has some rich ideas that it had been ignoring for centuries. BIBLIOGRAPHY Davidson, Judith. Japan - Where East Meets West. Minnesota: Dillon Press Inc., 1983. Greene, Carol. Enchantment of the World, Japan. Chicago: Regensteiner Publishing Enterprises Inc., 1983. Miller, Richard J. and Katoh, Lynn. Japan. New York: Franklyn Watts Inc., 1969. Pitts, Forrest R. Japan. Canada: Fideler Company., 1974. Reischauer, Edwin O. The United States and Japan. Massachusettes: Harvard University Press, 1965.
Monday, November 25, 2019
buy custom File Marshal essay
buy custom File Marshal essay This digital forensic tool is used to automatically detect, extract, and analyze data related to peer-to-peer hard disk applications/ soft ware on machines of clients. This tool is very important because it automates the time consuming and tedious process of finding evidence of peer-to peer usage. File Marshal does its work in a forensically valid manner, presenting them in a form that is easy to read on screen and in a format which is easily integrated in a report. Its extensible, modular designs make it even possible to include extensions of new kinds of peer-to-peer (P2P) networks of clients (Adelstein Joyce, 2007). This is considered the most important technology because the use of its ability to rapidly determine the P2P clients present on a disk image and gives those clients per-user information, including peer servers, downloaded files and shared files. File Marshal is made up of two components, that is, the graphical user interface known as front-end and secondly the command line based back-end. The front-end serves by mediating connections with the investigator and ensures that the data is formatted. On the other hand, the back-end is used to search the file system for files and directions other than additionally interpreting registry files contents. P2P Marshal Operations Phases According to Adelstein (2009), the File Marshal has three operational phases which are discharged by mounting it on a disk image. Through invoking the File Marshal, an investigator generates an inquiry, and commences the analysis using the following phases: discovery, acquisition and analysis. At the end of the process, the final task is normally a report. The Discovery Phase In this phase, the P2P Marshal observes the target disk and image and establishes the current or previously installed p2p clients. This check is accomplished by p2p Marshal looking for the availability of directories, files, and registry values and keys. Consequently the configuration file identifies the artifacts that show whether a given client was installed. Occasionally, the programs could have been deleted but the data directory stays (Adelstein Joyce, 2007). Additionally, even if the user uninstalls the P2P client, the user preferences registry keys may remain or continue to reside in the generated registrys backup versions when the operating system makes a check point for system restore. Files in this phase are identified by a pathname. Similarly, they can be indentified by a hush (presently MD5, although it can support others). The registry entries can entail values, (sub) keys and their data. Acquisition Phase Through this phase, File Marshal collects information usage information for particular P2P clients, in other words, the information gathered is user -specific. File Marshal collects log and configuration information for each user including downloaded or shared files, bootstrap or peer servers contacted and other data that is forensically relevant, maintained by particular P2P client. Once more, specific files are distinct in the configuration file. When special code is needed for displaying a file, for example, for decoding a date format or hash list, the configuration file displays the Java classes to be utilized for parsing. There can be a creation of new parsers as required using a straightforward/simple API (Malvakian, 2009). Analysis Phase The analysis face entails File Marshal displaying the gathered information and then allowing an investigator to observe details like files contents and sort data by a variety of fields among them last date last made contact with, servers IP number among others. Downloaded files can be viewed by investigators through launching of suitable viewers, like using Photoshop incase of an image, Firefox in the case of HTML, Acrobat in the case of PDF and so on, and show details on log entries and configuration . They can also search for files depending on hashes or a group of hashes for instance from databases such as NISTs National Software Reference Library (NSRL) or the National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children (Carrier, 2007). Logging and Generation of Report All operations performed by File Marshal are logged by it. The log file gives very in-depth information of low-level concerning the actions that were performed hence upholding the investigations forensic integrity. The log file gives details concerning the invoking of the back-end tool and any error or return codes. Farid (2008) is however categorical that the audit log is not easily readable by individuals but rather to enable investigators validate exactly what actions were performed and what was not done in the investigation and would be suitable to be added as an appendix in the final report. File Marshal produces a synopsis report of the findings of the report in a format that can be incorporated in the report of the investigator. The file formats that can be supported initially include PDF and HTML for easy inserting of File Marshal reports into a bigger forensic report. As a way of sustaining the forensic integrity, the out from the back-end tool are automatically hashed by File Marshal other having an additional ability of computing the hash of any obtained file. Given that the investigator uses static file system, the tool usedto initially image the disk might have already computed these files hashes (John, 2009). This further strengthens the investigations forensic integrity as the File Marshals computed hashes substantiates the data it gets with imaging tools data. File Marshal enables investigators to search for a range of usage-specific entries. They include file names, peer servers DNS names, and IP addresses and file hashes such as SHA-1, MDS and so on. For example if investigators wish for tracing all contacts with a specific server, the search tool could retrieve all contacts despite of the clients or P2P clients used. During the discovery phase, File Marshal searches for artifacts demonstrating that P2p program has been used or installed. One of the examined artifacts is the registry (Hirst, 2007). Although due to the fact that File marshal conducts static registry files, offline analysis, there is dismal support for recovering values and keys from a file (contrary to the running systems registry). The variations between majorities of P2P client program are usually limited to the file paths they make use of and the informations format in cache, log and configuration files. File marshal employs a configuration file to identify the specific details of P2p client. Addition of support for new client calls for creation of a new configuration file to illustrate the new client, and probably adding a plug-in or module to the user interface to show any information that is exceptional to the new client. This enables File Marshal to be straightforwardly extensible to sustain new P2P clients that are unconstrained (Adelstein, 2009). The configuration file is normally in the form of XML and is made up if three sections, that is, client data, installation artifacts and lastly usage artifacts. The first section, the client data, is made up of details concerning the p2p client, entailing its version and name, and the name of the module which is charged with displaying information concerning this client. The second section identifies installation artifacts like registry keys, files and directories, which show whether the client is on or has been set up on the system. These directories and files are precise by path. Additionally, files can contain an MD5 has characteristic to match the files content other than its name, and a version characteristic to demonstrate that the file is a binary for a particular version of the client. This surpasses the version information in the section of client data. When all entries in the installation artifacts match, it is described by the File Marshal as full installation (Adelstein Joyce, 2007). Correspondingly, when only some entries match, it is expressed as partial installation. On the other hand, if none matches, there will e no information displayed by the File Marshal on the client. Nevertheless, the report entails a list of all clients that were searched by File Marshal. Thirdly the section identifies usage artifacts that entail four different kinds of files that is, log, config, cache, and shared (Steight, 2010). Log files have information concerning the manner in which the program was run, for instance the used search terms. On the other hand, configuration files describe how the client is installed, and may also indicate the location of log files. Cache files keep temporary results like the kinds of peer servers that have been used or the files already obtained. Lastly, shared folders store downloaded and shared files. File Marshal differentiates downloaded and shared files, if the P2P does. Features of P2P Marshal The tool has many important features that make it the best choice for forensic investigations. First of all as already talked about, P2P executes all tasks in a forensically sound way, making it no doubt the best invention ever. The second characteristic f this tool is its ability to give full analysis for LimeWire, BitTorrent, among others. Chao (2010) adds that it also decreases customizable reports in PDF, CSV, HTML, and RTF other than identifying and showing download locations. Lastly, P2P Marshal gives search capabilities that are extensive. Important Purposes the new Tool Serves The celebrated tool, File Marshal has even more advantages that makes it the most important invention ever to be made for the period of the last five years because what is more to it is that it has been made available on USB since 2009 (developed by ATC-NY). It is one of kind file detection software based on USB and documentation of evidence by an investigator can commence immediately on network devices and computer hard drives (Adelste, 2009). Contrary as to what was the case before, with this new tool, there is no need of carrying a laptop to the crime scene or physically disconnecting the machine or computer from their network. This has enhanced speed of carrying out forensic investigations to make them even faster. Due to this fact, the tool is very portable with a high ability to fully analyze LimeWire, Azereus and uTorrent, analyze the usage of peer -to- peer network and lastly detect and indicate default download positions for Kazaa, Google Hello and Ares. P2P Marshal latest technology is meant to achieve many positive results in as far as forensic investigation is concerned. As already described above, this new tool is a subject to best practices of forensics and sustains a comprehensive log file of all tasks it performs. To make it evven more appealing, its design makes it fully extensible to sustain new P2P networks and clients. In the wake of increased cyber crimes, the tool is just what the field needs to help restore security in digital devices. The tool has wide-ranging search abilities and generates reports in formats such as HTML, RTF, CSV and PDF and runs on operating systems that are Windows-based. This comes with a greater meaning for crime scene investigators because it generates more room in the field kit to accommodate other important tools for investigation. Due to the changing nature of cybercrimes, there is also a need for investigators to change tactics and come along with more tools for investigation that are not necessarily as obvious to the human eye such as the traditional laptop (Adelstein Joyce, 2007). The ability to plug into any free USB port both on computers while at the crime scene and those ones back at the lab makes it will free all the time hence increasing its user friendliness and convenience. P2P Marshal has made the forensic investigations that could take ages to take a shorter time than expected. Forensic Edition is the softwares lone version, it is set up and run on workstation of the investigator to analyze an accumulate disk image. Postings on ATC-NYs website/ press release, indicates P2P Marshal are presently being used by law enforcers to investigate cyber crimes from many corners of the world. International, federal, state and local investigators prefer this tool over many others to dispense their duties. Devoid of automated tools, the work of forensic investigators to obtain evidence of unlawful file sharing and circulation is time consuming and manually intensive. Hence they found a solution in P2P Marshal that offers a solution to problem. It has to a great extent helped them to reduce time needed for the analysis practice (Liu et al, 2010). How much time is saved? The question that remains to be answered is the amount of time that USD based File Marshal saves. Computer hard drives gathered by law enforcers in a variety of searches in homes of suspects present a virtual fortune trove of evidence for qualified forensic investigators. I most cases, it takes many hours or even days to manually search every single hard drive for p2p file sharings evidence especially when the investigators backlog keeps on to increasing (John, 2009). Conversely employing P2P Marshal Tool will use only minutes to disclose the information of the same magnitude (Malvakian, 2009). A lot of time that will be saved by using P2P Marshal for data farming can be unswervingly translated into other aspects of the investigation. For instance, it will facilitate the leads that would have been latent for many days to be immediately obtained. Additionally, investigators have an added advantage as the rapid process of analysis gives offenders little for cover-up while enabling for quick action by the relevant authorities. The tool is accessible for any law enforcing agency because of its ability for civil application. However all users have to submit their contact information for the purposes of registration. Law enforcers can now easily locate cyber crime offenders who engage in not only tailing copyright materials like music and sharing of other p2p files but also most outstandingly child pornography sharing. This tool not only saves time but also goes to a large extent of helping the investigators to attest relations between individuals and assist departments increase investigations (Steight, 2010). Conclusion Digital Forensics has been widely applied by law enforcers to obtain digital evidence from cyber crimes. Today, the expansion of Information Communication Technology on a global scale has facilitated an increased number of individuals accessing the internet and other digital materials such as mobile phones, digital cameras, computers among others. Consequently, the cases of cyber crimes have increased tremendously over the last decade. Digital Forensic, defined as the practice of putting to use technical methods and techniques/tools that have been scientifically derived and proven, to collect, validate, identify, analyze, interpret, document and present after the fact digital data obtained from digital sources with a view of furthering or facilitating the rebuilding of events as a forensic evidence, has been there to offer solution to this problem. However, the nature and number of cybercrimes committed in the recent past called for development of tools to analyze them in a way that was more efficient and rapid enough to prevent the offenders form clearing the evidence and covering up. This coupled with many reasons known to the forensic crime investigators saw the development of File Marshal (Hirst, 2009). This tool is very suitable for obtaining forensic evidence through evaluating p2p handling on file structure. It does this by automatically identifying the kinds of p2p client programs, or those that were available. It then takes out log information and configuration and presents the investigator with the shared files. The availability of P2P Marshal on USB has made this tool enormously portable replacing the necessity of having a laptop or a computer at the scene of the crime. It allows criminal investigation to commence evidence recording on network devices and computer hard disks right away. This tool has many advantages to the investigator and is viewed by many s the most important technology in Digital Forensics to be ever invented. Buy custom File Marshal essay
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Human Resource Management in Multinational Banks in Tanzania Research Paper
Human Resource Management in Multinational Banks in Tanzania - Research Paper Example Standard Bank provides a variety of specialized financial services to the local population and is focused on the small business needs of the area. They have a formal hierarchy and channels of communication which run from top to bottom; making use of specific technology and softwares to manage their transactions smoothly. The strategic decisions, including HR functions are made in the Head Office with full operational control of all the activities taking place in each regional branch. The directives from the Head Office are issued to the regional Head Office and then passed on to the country branches. The Branch representatives are responsible for monitoring and implementing all the directives and for maintaining the company culture. Utilizing traditional African ideas and values the bank has a team based approach which fosters collective work mindset and a relaxed work environment. There is a structure enforced through physical space but communication is free flowing and relaxed with a mix of Swahili and English. The company is concerned with the personal and professional satisfaction of its employees stating that â€Å"The more we treat our employees fairly, the more they will work well for us†(Newenham-Kahindi, 2007). Standard Bank has strong training and development programs, bringing in expatriates for extensive training with smaller in-house training programs available as well. These training sessions incorporated input from the employees and allowed local participation. A worker’s committee made up of bank representatives also serves to protect employee welfare; even though it does not have autonomous decision making. In many ways the bank is attempting to be mindful of the local needs and the traditional work expectations. However some areas of improvement have to be management correctly as the bank moves forward. In recent
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Freedom of press Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Freedom of press - Assignment Example However, internet journalism suffers from a lack of structure that often results in ethical breaches and creation of content that is not informative or reliable. While the potential for internet as a tool for mass information is great; its biggest advantage is also its greatest weakness. With so many players in the information sector and a emphasis on being the first one to break a news; there is no check on the quality of the material is produced and distributed, no benchmarks in place and no enforcement of journalistic standards. â€Å"It is clear that digital journalism can allow for greater commitment to editorial standards. From better linking to primary sources of information, to greater commitment to transparency, there has never been an age more able to incorporate open, high-quality journalism†(Riordan). The problem is that online with so much free content available, websites are in a desperate race to get the most viewers and increase ad revenues. There is a significant occurrence of â€Å"Click-bait†in internet media outlets, where readers are enticed by sensational, often exaggerated headlines into going to a website link for a news article which may be unrelated to the exact heading. The practice is done to increase the number of users for a certain website and it compromises the integrity of the news. The worse scenarios are in which the news itself is falsified to create reader interest, one innocent example of this phenomena are related to the launch of the iphone 6 which was soon accompanied by news stories about the phone bending under slight pressure or people falling to pranks about charging the phone. These news stories were debunked within a few days but created a significant interest among fans and critics of the phone alike. More seriously, in the Gaza-Isreal conflict a lot of the news that was passed around on social media was
Monday, November 18, 2019
Equity and Trust Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Equity and Trust - Research Proposal Example Although cash contributions are generally found to be price elastic, property contributions are price elastic only for high-income taxpayers. These results suggest that the current tax-favored status for donations of appreciated assets by taxpayers other than the wealthy should be reassessed. These findings are also important when considering alternative tax system proposals, such as the flat tax which does not permit a deduction for charitable contributions. It is not only the charitable status of private schools and hospitals that are threatened by the provisions of the draft Charities Bill. The removal of the legal presumption, which will require charities to positively prove the benefits delivered to the public, will challenge the charity status of many faith-based organizations as well. The legal presumption in this case and many others is no... Rather it is a necessary device to protect those charities that deliver indirect benefits not subject to the rude gaze of public scrutiny. To combat harmful discrimination by private tax-supported groups, society should, at a minimum, maximize the use of all currently existing legal tools. One such tool used by the federal government against private groups (whether tax-supported or not) is the conditioning, under civil rights laws, of the receipt of federal financial assistance (FFA) on the recipient's agreement not to discriminate. However, these civil rights laws have not been interpreted broadly enough to apply to private, tax-supported organizations based solely on their receipt of tax benefits.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
An Activity For Enjoyment Children And Young People Essay
An Activity For Enjoyment Children And Young People Essay Play defined as an activity for enjoyment. Children and babies develop language and social skills through reading books and play. Through play and reading books, children develop maturity and socialization. These social activities will enhance their physical development, cognitive development and psychosocial development. I will be going to talk about how Dora the Explorer television program I have chosen helps the children to influence their physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development through play. How to read books to children enhances language development and language skills for children with using different reading strategies. Finally, I will be explaining the knowledge of play and language development for babies and children that may influence my future practice as a health professional. Child supporters must consider all factors that interfere with optimal development and provide circumstances that allow each child to obtain fully the advantages associated with play and r eading. Play is the most important part of the childs development. Play allows the children to enhance their physical development, psychosocial development and cognitive development. Most parents see cartoons with their children as a way to help their child learn. I have watched many children television program like blues clues, the go show, and Dora the explorer, to understand how these television programs get children to contact with aspects of life. Dora the explorer is an animated childrens television show. Dora the explorer show programmed to engage preschooler activities in a play-along, computer-style adventure. Dora the explorer is an example of physical development. Physical development focuses on the physical growth and the development of both gross motor skills (e.g. walking, jumping) and fine motor skills (e.g. Finger movements, eye coordination) control of the body. Dora the explorer on-screen character talking to the child encourage the child to take part, label objects, songs and dance actions allows for movements with control and coordination. Dora the explorer animated also influences the cognitive development theory, cognitive theory is a change and stability in mental ability such as learning, thinking, and memory. The Dora the explorer allows the children to think of a way to get to their destination so this helps children gaining knowledge and solving problem in daily life, which enhances their memory capability. Television provides the children with a valuable tool at home for great learning. Another theory is influences psychosocial development by Erik Erikson to get through the idea of personality. Watching and learning from on screen shows allow children to gain knowledge of social learning theory; this enhances their self-esteem, learning about the culture and society and teaches them how to interact with people. Children learn from TV shows how and when to show the emotions. These allow the children to encourage self-awareness about the world around them. Reading books to young children is the best way to promote language development and language skills like speaking, reading, and listening. Reading books to children at home can encourage their reading skills. Books should have something like shapes, short stories, pictures that children will find interesting, enjoyable, and fun. This will help develop a sense of reader appreciation. When children have books in their home, they are more likely to sit down and read them. Parents can and should encourage an appreciation for reading. When reading a book to child the reader needs to keep few things in mind for better result. The books you choose for the children need to be short and simple, attractive, use appropriate language, speak clearly, slowly, and use expression. Reading books to children that influence the social learning theory by Albert bandura. In social learning theory Albert Bandura (1977) states behavior is learned from the environment through the process of observational le arning. Children observe the people around them behaving in various ways (McLeod, 2011). Children learn many different ways, some learn quickly by visibly for example books that got colors, picture, and shapes with it and some learn verbally for example- imitating the expression and words. Using various techniques to enhance language development, tunes of the voice and getting them to turn the page that influences the theory of positive reinforcement. If imitated behaviors and consequence are satisfying so the child is likely to perform behaviors. If parents are encouraging and giving them positive feedback then the behavior is likely to repeat as it provides the child with strengths. Simply using booking reading tool at home helps them learn. Book reading is good for a childs development to gain imagination. Children are very sensitive. We need to handle them with care. So far, the information I have gained through the education of play and language development of babies and children provided me with a greater understanding that could influence my future practice as a health professional. Skills that I have gained from the knowledge of reading books to children are to create an environment that allows children to understand their personality, which will help children to be more interactive. As a health professional, I build a warm and open environment for children to bring out their ideas. In order to achieve my nursing practice do this use the techniques like distractions, communication, and education. Conversation with children, asking questions with slow pace and allowing them to answer. This will enhance their understanding while mine. The skills I learned from the play are that children are very attractive colors, toys etc. by using play to help nursing practice can enable you me to complete difficult tasks with children like taking medicine, I can get the child to cat like a super hero and be strong and asking them to stand straight like a strong soldier. These skills can help me to build a relationship when I am working or handling kids. Building a relationship creates an environment where children feel secure take risks. In my conclusion, play is a cherished part of childhood that offers children important developmental benefits and parents the opportunity to engage fully with their children. Influence their physical development, Cognitive development and psychosocial development. Play allows children to learn new things and to understand the world around them. Reading Books is another important aspect to enhance their development. Reading books to children will help children gain language skills. I have gained many skills that can be relevant or may influence my nursing practice as a health professional .The knowledge of children and babies and about their play and book reading. I learned many techniques that will make my nursing practice easier when I have to assess children and babies. Techniques like distracting children into something, communicating. Communicating likes having a conversation about their favorite shows and asking them questions.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Public Education System :: Educational Learning Essays
The Public Education System Throughout my experience in the public school system, I have heard the line, â€Å"What do I need to know this for anyway?†about 1,057 times. It is not uncommon to hear students complain about the worth of their education. Regardless, there seems to be a unanimous agreement that the youth needs education to succeed in life. What is education anyway and what does schooling accomplish? In his book, â€Å"A Time to Learn†George Wood provides a definition of education as â€Å"making wise citizens and good neighbors who can think deeply and intelligently about issues of self and society, take care for and respect others, take care of their family needs, and contribute to the welfare of others†(Glickman 48). Is school necessary for developing this type of educated citizen? If not, how is it we measure success and how is school important in attaining that? The purpose of the public school system is to assure every child the natural right to an education. Currently, every state in the nation has laws requiring attendance in school (grades K-12). There are also requirements on what subjects the students must learn. Standardized testing measures every student’s ability in these required subjects and assesses all tests equally. These high-stakes tests are used to determine the student’s achievement and their progression to the next level of schooling. Statistics show that students from underprivileged families have lower test scores and are more likely to drop out then white, middle class students. When I think about it, I recall a line from a rap song about a southern black child’s education in the public school system, â€Å"I’m making 300 on my SAT’s and I am equal†. So then, why are these students, who are equal, performing so poorly in our public schools? To reach a conclusion we must examine the curriculum and standards, and their purpose. The movement toward standardization is mainly concerned with the school district’s responsibility to generate students that are proficient in basic reading, writing and math skills. These skills being the most essential for business transactions, political and professional relations and most every aspect of life in today’s society. The students are assessed indiscriminately by tests structured around what the students are expected to know. The problem is that a student’s test score varies day-to-day.
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