Monday, December 30, 2019
The Organizational Process of Decision-Making - 1688 Words
1. INTRODUCTION High reliability organizations (HRO) are organizations that succeeded in reducing the number of accidents and that often work in a complex environment full of risk factors. Typical examples of HRO are naval or aircraft carriers, nuclear-power generation plants, space shuttles and air traffic control system, occupations where fails and accidents are predictable because of their complexity and risks. A recurring theme in HRO literature is decision-making, as the consistent high quality of this organizational process in uncertain situations differentiates HRO from other organizations: In other words, constantly making good decision results in high quality and reliable operations. Herbert Simon, who was one of the first authors to shift the attention from organizations as rational machines to organizations as arenas in which complex organizational processes occur, introduced the concept of bounded rationality (Simon, 1955). This is the idea that rationality, and consequentially decision-making, is limited by the information the individual or the organization have, along with the cognitive limitation of their mind and the finite amount of time they have to make the decision. Because of this lack of resources, individuals and organizations apply their rationality after having simplified the choices available, reaching the most satisfying solution, instead of the optimal one. The complexity of organizational decisions is implied in the fact that they involve manyShow MoreRelatedDecision Making Of A Bse Veterinary Service846 Words  | 4 PagesDecision Making Companies all over the world are faced with decision daily. Some decisions are small in nature with minimal effects on the company or its employees. While other decisions have a tremendous effect on the entire company. This paper will provide a detailed description of the top three ways to make decisions, such as the rational model, the organizational process model, and the collaborative model. Also, provide some techniques for making decisions. Furthermore, one of these models willRead MoreCultural Values and Personal Ethics Paper1583 Words  | 7 PagesPersonal Ethics Paper Every day people make decisions that may have profound effect on their personal and/or professional lives as well as the lives of others. The decision people make have a foundation on their personal, cultural, and perhaps organizational values. When these values are in disagreement, an ethical dilemma occurs. This article attempts to explain how personal, cultural, and organizational values play significant parts in decision-making. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
The Importance Of Sustainable Water Practices For The...
Sustainability is the â€Å"development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs†(World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987). Water is a principal compound for human life across the globe. Although there is of 1.4Ãâ€"109 km3 of Water on Earth, only 0.37% of that is drinkable (Murphy, 2004). The inability to access this clean water then causes water borne diseases, particularly in poorer nations, such as Cambodia where only 14% of the population has access to drinkable water (Brinkley, 2011). This is then the reasoning behind the 3.4million deaths annually by water borne diseases within the developing world (World Health organisation, 2001). As 70L of water/day†¦show more content†¦Some assumptions made within this report are that clean water is safely stored and does not impact on the water purification systems ability. Also, the correct use off the device is assumed. 2 BIO SAND FILTERS 2.1 Design There are seven components to a biosand filter design. These are; the lid, diffuser, sand layer, outlet tube, filter body, gravel layer and the separated gravel layer (Cawst, 2009). All of these components all contribute to the purification of water. The purpose of the lid is to protect the water from any external contamination. The diffuser is a plastic sheet with holes drilled into it and protects the biolayer while the water is being poured in (CDC, 2014). This is achieved through slowing down the rate of the water. The third component is the sand layer and this removes any suspended solids within the water. This is able to occur through the use of mechanical trapping and the solids being trapped in between the grains of sand (Cawst, 2009). The separating gravel layer is purely placed in the filter to support the sand layer on top while the drainage gravel layer’s purpose is to support the flow of water into the outlet tube. The use of bigger rocks is used for this draina ge layer to prevent smaller rocks accessing this outlet tube (Cawst, 2009). The outlet tube brings the water from the bottom of theShow MoreRelatedThe Global Supplier Network : Adidas Trained More Than 2000 Persons1379 Words  | 6 Pagesmaintain a strong sustainable workplace standard keeping corporate social responsibility in mind. Sustainability efforts for a safer Planet Keeping the planet in mind, they developed a global single safer planet/environmental strategy for entire operations across the world. The goal of the group is to reduce their environmental footprint by 15% by year 2015. 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Cambodia +855 232428 99 1 1 6 Cambodia +855 1 834 Ethiopia +25 1 1756 114 681 Ethiopia +251 1 1 2 763 Kenya +254 206 998 Kenya +254 20 699 8000000 Mozambique +258 2 1 400 189 Mozambique +258 21 400 189 Namibia +264 613 207 Namibia +264 61 320 7000000 Nepal +997 143 506 Nepal +997 1435 0602 02 SouthRead MoreSustainable Fashion Supply Chain: Lessons from HM6439 Words  | 26 PagesSustainability 2014, 6, 6236-6249; doi:10.3390/su6096236 OPEN ACCESS sustainability ISSN 2071-1050 Article Sustainable Fashion Supply Chain: Lessons from HM Bin Shen Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China; E-Mail:; Tel./Fax: +86-216-237-3621 Received: 15 July 2014; in revised form: 15 August 2014 / Accepted: 19 August 2014 / Published: 11 September 2014 Abstract: SustainabilityRead MoreMultinational Companies and Their Social Responsibilities (Α Case Study of Shell, Nigeria)15078 Words  | 61 PagesCHAPTER TWO 2.0 AN OVERVIEW OF SHELL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY IN NIGERIA 2.1 Introduction This chapter will provide basic knowledge of Shell Nigeria Oil Company and its operation in Nigeria, in particular regarding its ethics, performance, social involvement, contribution to national income and its contribution to keeping the environment green. 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It is estimated that the total annual cost of erosion from agriculture in the USA is about US$44 billion per year, i.e. about US$247 per ha of cropland and pasture. On a global scale the annual loss of 75 billion tons of soil costs the world about US$400 billion per year, or approximately US$70 per person per year. Only about 3% of the globalRead MoreHealth : The Elementary Human Right Essay5903 Words  | 24 PagesIntroduction Health: the Elementary Human Right Health is declared as a basic human right by the universal declaration of human rights in 1948, stating that everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of oneself and one s family, including food, clothing, housing, and medical care. Endowment of health is a fundamental good and a moral issue because it provides opportunity to pursue life goals, reduces pain and suffering, prevents premature loss ofRead MoreUndernutrition10134 Words  | 41 Pagesproductive and able to learn. Good nutrition benefits families, their communities and the world as a whole. Undernutrition is, by the same logic, devastating. It blunts the intellect, saps the productivity of everyone it touches and perpetuates poverty. Stunting - or low height for age - traps people into a lifelong cycle of poor nutrition, illness, poverty and inequity. The damage to physical and cognitive development, especially during the first two years of a child’s life, is largely irreversible.
Saturday, December 14, 2019
The Movie Ball of Fire Free Essays
The movie â€Å"Ball of Fire†is a comedy film that is released in the year 1941, which tells the story about a group of professors that have been working themselves for several years to finish an encyclopedia and depicts the story of the group’s encounter with a nightclub performer who provides her own profound source of unique knowledge (Ball of Fire-1941). As such, the film is also known as the â€Å"The Professor and the Burlesque Queen,†which presents early movie stars namely Gary Cooper and Barbara Stanwyck for the lead role in the movie (Ball of Fire-1941). For the supporting roles, movie artists like Oskar Homolka, Richard Haydn, Henry Travers, Dan Duryea, Elisha Cook Jr. We will write a custom essay sample on The Movie Ball of Fire or any similar topic only for you Order Now and Dana Andrews have done an amazing participation in the overall positive outcome of the story (Ball of Fire-1941). Moreover, the movie tells the story of a group of eight mild-mannered professors who are working hard in compiling an encyclopedia. Their work is seen to be monotonous and boring but things are falling into place. It is until the language expert â€Å"Professor Bertram Potts†realizes that his section on slang is seen to be outdated. In this regard, he decided to venture into the outside world to do his research. In the process he met a nightclub singer â€Å"Sugarpuss O’Shea†who has problems with her mobster boyfriend and needs a place to hide in. The professors allow Sugarpuss to live with them and have been effective in teaching the professors more than the slang language by livening up their academic lives with nylons and conga lines. Professor Potts becomes obsessed with Sugarpuss but when the boyfriend of Sugarpass wants her back, things have started to become complicated. At the end of the movie, Professor Potts has outwitted the boyfriend of Sugarpass and pursue his love for Sugarpuss by proposing marriage to her. In light of the story of the movie, it can be said that being smart does not only mean being good at the teachings of the book. Hence, the characteristic of being smart and intelligent can never be learned in a secluded area, more specifically in the four corners of the class. As such, the story of the movie has depicted these notions on the realizations of Professor Potts, that his knowledge in slang word is seen to be outdated and requires a need to venture in the real or outside world to be able to acquire new information. Likewise, it is seen that the purpose of receiving a formal education is to guide the person and empower an individual towards the achievement of his or her aspirations in the future. In thoughts, it is seen the formal education is essential to teach and render an individual with all the appropriate and needed knowledge that a person needs to acquire. Hence, there is a need to balance the formal and informal knowledge that can never be acquired and taught in the classroom, which the personal life experiences can only edify. Likewise, the movie â€Å"Ball of Fire†has depicted that the learning that occurs in the school of hard knocks is as essential as that which is taught in the formal education that leads to a balance between the real-life education and the importance of knowledge that the book provides. In the end, it can be said that the movie is set to provide a better understanding about the importance of knowledge that can be acquired in both real-life learning and formal education. As such, it can be seen that knowledge which can only be acquired in real life experiences is as essential as the education that can be learned from school. Hence, both these types of knowledge are essential factors towards the achievement of the person’s future career and personal goals in life. Works Cited Ball of Fire – 1941. IGN Entertainment, Inc. 27 October 2008 http://www. rottentomatoes. com/m/ball_of_fire/# How to cite The Movie Ball of Fire, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Sacrifices in The Crucible free essay sample
Social order is a fragile concept; the most extraneous of details can cause it to spiral into chaos. In The Crucible, the inhabitants of Salem, Massachusetts experience the unforgiving disruptance of social order. Many attempted to end the witch trials promptly to the start of them, but their sacrifices rendered futile. John Proctor, a farmer, was the only citizen of Salem whose sacrifice made a significant, positive, impact on the restoration of social order. In Act l, John Proctor and Abigail Williams had a conversation that state both engaged in sexual relations, making Abigail a harlot and Proctor an adulterer. Abigail, throughout the encounter, talks of Elizabeth Proctor as if she is the only one keeping John Proctor and herself from being together. As the intensity of the witch trails reach its climax, Elizabeth Proctor is accused of being a witch. When Cheever arrives to take Elizabeth to Jail, Proctor inquires about the accuser, who happens to be Abigail Williams. We will write a custom essay sample on Sacrifices in The Crucible or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page John then tells Mary Warren, Abigails abettor, to testify against her. When this fails in court, Proctor sacrifices everything he owns, his name, his familys reputation, and his life, by saying, It is a whore! (Act Ill, scene i). John Proctor dmitted lechery in a prevailing attempt to call out Abigail on her pretense in seeing spirits and witches. Soon after this, John is arrested and Abigail is allowed freedom. Also, Reverend Hale denounces the proceedings of the court. The sacrifice made by Proctor made the puritan society of Salem, Massachusetts question the claims made by Abigail and her friends. When John Proctor accuses Abigail of harlotry, she is forced to run away to save herself from shame. The witch trials also end soon afterwards and social order starts its restoration process. The people of Salem once again start to trust each other and put away grudges of the past.
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