Friday, September 4, 2020
Auditing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2
Reviewing - Essay Example The review movement at Farhan Muscat SAOG Company uncovered that because of the wrong keeping of money related records for the flow monetary year in Salalah stores (water leakage during substantial downpours), it got difficult to make a review, which a senior reviewer was going to lead. While the organization staff was educated about the stick take for the specific time frame to be led in the most advantageous time, their different obligations, for example, development of merchandise creation getting and dispatch activities proceeded. Buys and deals were not halted and other day by day activities were proceeding. During the review, there was uncovered that the some stock things of the organization were not sold all through 2014. The vendor revealed these products were remembered for the ordinary stock and were likewise esteemed as normal stock. The adudit review watched director was doing comprehensive check of the low valued stock, in any case, the exceptional stock was not tallied. The outcomes from the review uncovered the lack of time of company’s the executives prompted the powerlessness to accumulate the important data about the stock and make the stock sheets at different areas the nation over. As per the review bunch results, harmed, out of date, slow-moving stock and stationary stock was esteemed at price tag by the organization. The administrator was educated about such stock to make a little piece of the whole stock and is esteemed at price tag. As a basis, since physical stock can't be shielded from misfortune, the organization could forestall a material error of its fiscal summaries. The material insufficiency identifies with misquote of the budget reports, and the disappointment of such preventive control won't lead a noteworthy lack. In any case, it forestalls an error of the budget summaries. This condition must be deliberately considered before it was
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Jury Nullification Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Jury Nullification - Essay Example In any case, this is seen by those restricting the idea, as making certain violations in the general public satisfactory, since the culprits of such wrongdoings can go unpunished by the laws. Further, the idea of jury invalidation seems to repudiate the arrangements of the law, in regards to the jobs and ward of the members of the jury. Legal hearers should recognize and decide the realities encompassing a specific case, while deciding the case dependent on such realities, and leaving the understanding of the laws to the appointed authorities. Nonetheless, under the idea of jury invalidation, members of the jury perform both the jobs of examining the realities encompassing the case and deciding if the laws material to the case are legitimate. This is on the grounds that, under the idea of jury invalidation, the members of the jury can dismiss the guidelines given by the adjudicators, just as the laws pertinent to the case, and rather apply their cognizant to decide the case (Shari, 4). In any case, regarding the advantages and the issues presented by the idea of jury invalidation in the equity framework, this conversation looks to build up a far reaching contention for the idea of jury invalidation. Most key is the way that Jury Nullification fills in as a considerable and essential resistance against discriminative laws. The Jury framework is revered inside the idea of the open equity framework. This progresses in the direction of guaranteeing that the decisions offered by the members of the jury resound with the popular supposition, more than the laws. While the laws adjusted by numerous nations are intended to guarantee that equity is done to the abused gatherings, there are a few occasions where the officials authorizes certain laws in absolute negligence of the popular feeling or intrigue, however exclusively designing such laws to suit their inclinations (Keneally, 944). This leaves the overall population presented to the fierceness of the administrators, who might be
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Cost Of Living Essays - Arundhati Roy, Bengali People
The Cost Of Living Essays - Arundhati Roy, Bengali People The Cost Of Living Question #1 With the 3600(A. Roy 16) hydroelectric dams either going up or effectively implicit India, there will without a doubt be more than 33,000,000 individuals dislodged by the large dams supplies (16), a large portion of which are Adivasi or Dalits (18), locals of India. Without an appropriate resettlement program set up, many are left with no spot to go. A significant part of the land that is required for the supplies was reallocated, misled away, or tormented into being sold by the legislature. What's more, what land the legislature bought, not every person got the cash they should. The resettlement programs that are set up, are best portrayed by Roy I can warrant that the nature of their settlement is more regrettable than in any convergence of the Third Reich(20). From what I accumulate from Roy, these resettlement destinations sound quite uncaring and Im truly astonished activities like that of the Indian government arent enduring an onslaught of the U.N. Conceded this doesnt appear to be the most exposed nor all around reported continuous occurrence. With respect to the Nuclear weapon issue that faces India, Roy didnt appear to address it in extraordinary detail. What's more, on the off chance that she did, I read directly through it. With absence of appropriate storerooms and the danger of sullying Indias exceptionally costly drinking water. It may be astute choice for the Indian government to either cease their atomic weapons program or appropriately address these issues. Question #2 I surmise I truly have no other decision however to concur with Roys suppositions. Possibly in the event that we were given some sort of composed reaction from the Indian government or anything from an alternate perspective. Anybody that has perused this book, with no outside data, would must have something against the Adivasi or seen something in the book that presumably 99% percent of the individuals that have perused it missed to differ with Roy on the issues in India. The main individuals benefitting from the dams are in the administration, some portion of World Bank, Jai Prakash Associates, and anybody with enough cash that needs the water. Besides, it doesnt create the impression that any of the provincial residents of India will be partaking in any of the benefits or even get water for a long while. Question #3 The mindful condition Roy ascertains on pg. 17 that gauges 33,000,000 individuals have been dislodged by enormous dams is a gigantic solid point in Roys contention. To make an already difficult situation even worse, the individuals that are even fortunate enough to get resettled, are placed in tin shacks on aloof land, a long ways from what there used to. Prior to the dams, the dislodged were independent and doing good for the way of life they drove. The entirety of the proof Roy offers about the Indian government focuses to an all out dismissal for human life or an incredible level of ineptitude. In any case, something intense must occur before anything is truly going to change. To be completely forthright, I neglected to perceive any shortcomings in Roys contentions. Im doing whatever it takes not to state there arent any, yet I didnt discover any. Question #4 I decided to mark as coming Roy from a social clash point of view. I essentially did this through the procedure of disposal. She is unquestionably not an auxiliary functionalist. She was positively doing whatever it takes not to be objective, in the loosest feeling of the word, while composing this book. This is one more of the states tried techniques. It murders you with advisory groups., she sounds truly engaged with that sentence while portraying one of the boards assume to lead a free survey. Her conditions, fiscal reports, and rates give her a little representative cooperation season, however she unquestionably is more into the manner in which her kin are being dealt with List of sources The typical cost for basic items by andretti roy
Mortality film, The Hours
Question: Examine about the Corporate Social Responsibility for Readings and Cases. Answer: Presentation: The reason for the investigation is to assess the significance of manageability and the requirements for vitality utilization and the executives in an association. The Sunselect property bunch has been chosen as the association for the contextual investigation. It has been assessed that 42% of the strong misuse of the nation is produced from the structure squander (Reardon et al. 2016). States like Victoria South Australia and Western Australia have been concentrating on procedures to limit squander. Nonetheless, it has been seen that the Sunselect property bunch has not been concentrating on the supportability in its business exercises. This examination will concentrate on the necessities of utilization of the assets like water and vitality and the approaches to limit age of waste. In view of assessment, certain proposals will be made. Environmental change has become the most testing issue in the ongoing time with the constant emanation by the consuming of the non-renewable energy sources has made has made more noteworthy difficulties among the individuals. In this manner, it is essential to concentrate on the inexhaustible assets of vitality to make a practical methodology towards the earth. Consequently, utilizing sustainable assets of vitality will be the prime concentration for the lodging and property bunch organizations (Crowley 2010). The utilization of the petroleum derivatives will likewise be decreased on the grounds that these gases are the significant purposes for a dangerous atmospheric devation. It has likewise been seen that warming and cooling of lodging represents 40% of the family unit utilization. Along these lines, by concentrating on unified cooling and warming of the house, the vitality utilization rate can be diminished to a huge degree. For the lighting and amusement reason too, the force cut hardware ought to be all around constructed that will assist with sparing the vitality. It has additionally been determined that 21% vitality is expended for the high temp water administration and running different machines (McGee 2016). So as to fulfill this utilization need, sun oriented force can be utilized. Hence, establishment of sun based force age hardware is compulsory for the lodging to spare vitality. Squander Management: It has been apparent that the property bunch has not been keeping up manageability of nature and not overseeing waste appropriately. There are different methods of waste administration. The three best methods for limiting waste are decrease, reuse and reuse. Decreasing the over use of assets is for sure significant (McGee et al. 2008). This will likewise lessen the consumption and the property bunch will have the option to decrease the cost of the lodging. What's more, the materials can be reused also. Numerous enhancements have been made in the reusing procedure. Hence, at every possible opportunity, the waste materials can be handily reused and utilized for different purposes too. Another methods for squander the board is by the procedure of landfill. This is the conventional methods for squander removal and this procedure is viewed as uneconomical too. The working expense of the networks naturally gets high. Moreover, if the land is inebriated with a harmful materials, it can influence the water asset of the specific area too. It is regularly discovered that the land gets inebriated because of various nearby squanders like metals, particularly aluminum (Bonacchi 2009). These substances are extremely hurtful for people and frequently lead to significant emergency circumstance also. Keeping these circumstances into thought, it is required to keep a beware of the general procedure of waste administration. Water utilization and the board: Utilization of water has been expanding and utilization of water without legitimate checks and utilization. Colossal measure of water is utilized and in reality squandered in the urban and rustic turn of events. In any case, there are open doors for diminishing and reusing water that could at last add to the executives of water. The different methods for reuse and capacity of water are: Wet climate stockpiling: By the methods for downpour water gathering and putting away the water, the equivalent could be utilized for other purposed (Fane et al. 2016). This water can be utilized for different purposes in the wake of separating and making it unadulterated. This water can likewise be utilized for the utilization tote also. On location squander water treatment: By the methods for dim water treatment procedure and microfiltration, the water can be dealt with. Along these lines, the water can be made liberated from any organisms or poisonous components and afterward a similar water can be utilized for different purposes (Crane et al. 2013). Reusing water: The waste water could be utilized to plant or even in watering the plants and cultivating. This will diminish the water bill to an enormous degree. With the point by point investigation, it has been discovered that with the expanding utilization of vitality and different assets, the significance of preservation has been expanding. Lodging and different structures expends tremendous measure of vitality including water, power and different assets too. In this manner, it is critical to check the wastage of assets in these regions. As it has been obvious that the Property bunch has not been making any methodology towards manageability, it ought to adjust certain practices in building and assembling that will help in the protection of assets. Various proposals can be made here: Proposals: Establishment of sun based force generators: In request to satisfy the need of the vitality for running various apparatuses like climate control systems, water purifiers and others, the structures will be furnished with sun based force generators. Appropriate waste administration: The property bunch will watch out into the different parts of overseeing waste; directly from the development procedure. The squanders will be reused at every possible opportunity. Furthermore, legitimate removal of the strong waste materials is additionally significant. Directing CSR exercises: It is energetically suggested that the property bunch will embrace CSR exercises to show their commitment towards the manageability of condition. For this reason, it is suggested that the property bunch will contribute in building streets, parks and for the beautification of the districts where it do its business exercises. References: Bonacchi, M., 2009. Corporate Social Responsibility: Readings and Cases in a Global Context. Crane, A., Matten, D. furthermore, Spence, L.J. eds., 2008.Corporate social obligation: Readings and cases in a worldwide setting. London: Routledge. Crowley, K., 2010. Atmosphere Clever? Kyoto and Australias Decade of Recalcitrance.Global center, household choices: The similar governmental issues of environmental change, pp.201-228. Fane, S., Reardon, C., and Milne, G., 2016 Wastewater reuse. Accessible at: [Accessed on: 8-4-2017] McGee, C., 2016 Enery utilization Available at: [Accessed on: 8-4-2017] McGee, C., Partridge, E., Carrard, N. furthermore, Milne, G., 2008, September. Mainstreaming maintainable lodging: arrangements and projects that work. InProceedings of the 2008 World Sustainable Building Conference, Melbourne(pp. 1-8). Reardon, C., Fewster, E., Harkeness, T. furthermore, Alviano,. P. 2016 Waste minimization Available at: [Accessed on: 8-4-2017]
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Introduction to the Physics Word Problem Solver
Introduction to the Physics Word Problem SolverAs a student looking for a nice way to engage in learning and also provide the best learning environment, you should opt for a Physics Word Problem Solver. It will provide you ample amount of enjoyment while solving the physics equations and the words in the problem. Hence, you can eliminate the time needed for making a single mistake on any aspect of your work. This problem solver will help you in computing the answer quickly without spending a lot of time and it also helps you in working fast in order to answer all the questions instantly.You will find a number of different types of Physics Word Problem Solver that are available in the market. You can choose the one that best suits your needs. There are software that work with no help of the manual or you can select a word processor. Before choosing a program, you must first assess whether your need is for one or more then you can select the appropriate one.The best part about using a Physics Word Problem Solver is that you do not have to employ any teacher or any technical help in solving the problems. It is completely simple and an issue can be solved in no time. Hence, there is no excuse for you to make mistakes and this is the major advantage of this type of software. Thus, the only thing that remains for you is to search for the best solution that works perfectly well for you. You can visit the websites of these programs, which are having different categories.A very significant factor that is important while searching for a Physics Word Problem Solver is that you should ensure that it is user friendly and comfortable. It should also have all the features required for solving the different kinds of problems in your interest.While making a choice, you should also consider the features of the Physics Word Problem Solver. The software should also provide you with time management facility so that you can solve the problems within a certain span of time.These are the different kinds of solutions that you can use while working on these types of problems. They are helpful in helping you solve the various sorts of equations and words. While performing the problems, you must ensure that you carry out your research properly as they require specific types of information.There are a number of sources from where you can get a good collection of Physics Word Problem Solver. There are many places from where you can download the suitable software. It is always good to compare the features and availability of different types of this software.There are a number of websites that provide the opportunity to download free versions of this software. These are always recommended if you want to save some money as well as improve your understanding of different types of problems. Hence, you can never go wrong by opting for a Physics Word Problem Solver.
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Climate of Ethical Behavior Research Paper Example
Creating a Climate of Ethical Behavior Abstract An organizations ethical climate is the importunate moral atmosphere within a work environment. It pertains to the shared perceptions in a workplace. Essentially, ethical climate involves the pressures, environment, and culture of an organization. The ethical climate topic is important to me. Ethical climate entails the shared perceptions of the ethically acceptable behavior. My career orientation towards human development and leadership makes it even more central in my career development. For the one who would wish to become a leader amongst leaders in the near future, understanding the need to create a healthy climate is imperative. This will help me in executing my career goals. Unhealthy ethical climates derail decision-making processes. Possessing effective leadership, competencies, and skills is indispensable for any leader.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Outline and evaluate two methods of stress management Essays
Outline and evaluate two methods of stress management. One physiological method of treatment is Biofeedback. Physiological methods help people cope with the effects of stress by changing the way the body responds to it. With biofeedback the aim is to teach the client how to relax. The person learns how to regulate the symptoms of stress in real-life stressful situations. There are 4 steps involved. Firstly, the person is attached to a machine that monitors the body’s response to stressors and then gives feed back on heart rate and blood pressure etc. The person then learns to control these symptoms and reduce the effect that stress has on the blood pressure etc. They may learn to take deep†¦show more content†¦It is also an effective treatment as it aims to treat the cause of the problem as well as the symptoms. It can give clients a greater sense of control over themselves as well which can have much longer lasting benefits. Another advantage would be that it has no side-effects or harmful addictions attached etc. It is also voluntary and not invasive for example in drug treatment withdrawal symptoms may be distressing. Biofeedback can be used for an unlimited time, as it is not addictive in the way that BZ’s (for example) can be (as they are only used for a maximum of four weeks to prevent this) so biofeedback is seen as m ore of a long term cure of stress. However, biofeedback has the drawback of being extremely costly and time consuming. It needs specialist equipment and expert supervision, although attempts have been made to produce a more accessible therapy by using cards - the client would put their thumb on a card and it would measure the stress levels (stressed, tense, normal, calm) etc. Some also argue that the benefits of biofeedback can be achieved from other relaxation techniques and so it is an unnecessary expense. Another method of stress includes the psychological technique of stress inoculation training (Meichenbaum). The training wasShow MoreRelatedChapter 3 : An Purpose For Reading1324 Words  | 6 Pagesreading. Chapter 3 helped me get involve with my readings by annotating the text and developing questions within the text while I am actively engaging with my studies. Also, this chapter showed me different note taking styles which are mind mapping, outline, SQ3R, and Cornell notes. I can make a mixture of these note taking styles to my preference. Chapter 7 is another useful resource, this chapter discuss thinking clearly and communicating your ideas. One key aspect is presentation skills; able toRead MoreHow Individual Employee s Behavior At Work Might Be Influenced By Different Factors1213 Words  | 5 Pagestraditions, professions, superiority, income levels, marital and family prominence. The assistant usually comprises individual’s issues which are expected to have descriptive assessment in the exploration. Psychological: On or after the freestanding, it’s stress-free to take responsibility that the only contributing factor of a positive trade is productivity. Next all, effectiveness concretes the way for development and retains a business modest. In GSK success is often reliant on numerous factors such asRead MoreWellness Plan1575 Words  | 7 PagesDeveloping an Organizational Employee Wellness Plan Sample Outline This outline is intended to be a starting point to guide state agencies in developing their own agency-specific wellness plan. The provided outline addresses specific points to consider in developing the agency plan, but each agency will need to add additional content to define adequately what and how each activity will be implemented in the agency. While the outline is presented in this format for ease of reading and brevityRead MoreGoogle provides internet-related services and products and was created as a search engine in the1400 Words  | 6 Pageseffectively. Google used several motivation methods in order to achieve a better result. Motivation increases effectiveness, efficiency and productivity; and crucial to make a difference in results (Forsyth, 2000). There are four major types of motivation theories; such as the Scientific Management theory of Taylor, the Human Relations theory of Mayo, the Hierarchy of Needs of Maslow and the Two-factor Theory of Herzberg. The purpose of this essay is to evaluate the effectiveness of employee motivationRead MoreUndercover Boss - Lush s Organizational Culture Essay1597 Words  | 7 Pagesstatements regarding their handmade, organic and safe products, (,Our Values), is their espoused values. The core value is the fact that the vision is striven towards, whilst helping the community. Critique the undercover boss method and recommend other methods. The show is scripted and unnatural. This is because in every episode some employee shares a personal story with the undercover boss. This would not normally happen, as people don’t tend to share their most personal thoughts with someoneRead MoreOrganizational Behavior Trends1619 Words  | 7 PagesOrganizational Behavior Trends Outline: 1. Definition of OB and related terminologies. 2. Role of decision making in OB environments. 3. Conflicts involved in decision making processes in organizations. 4. Rifts between managerial level staff and operations level workforce. 5. Stakeholders in decision making in a corporate hierarchy. 6. Self-inflicted ethical dilemmas and differences, causes for it. 7. Values and goals affecting causing ethical dilemmas in OB 8. Globalization and its strategic alliancesRead More Organizational Behavior Trends Essay1565 Words  | 7 PagesOrganizational Behavior Trends Outline: 1.     Definition of OB and related terminologies. 2.     Role of decision making in OB environments. 3.     Conflicts involved in decision making processes in organizations. 4.     Rifts between managerial level staff and operations level workforce. 5.     Stakeholders in decision making in a corporate hierarchy. 6.     Self-inflicted ethical dilemmas and differences, causes for it. 7.     Values and goals affecting causing ethical dilemmas in OB Read MoreA Lab Report On Academic Writing Essay1733 Words  | 7 Pagesan experiment. Gaining knowledge is one thing when reviewing lab reports because of the collected data over that experiment. A standard lab report consists a title page, abstract, introduction, methods and materials, results, discussion, conclusion, references, and appendices. (Waterloo) The given outline for a lab report represents what an academic writing should be presented like, which is structured and organized. This layout perfectly represents the style of what an academic writing paper shouldRead More Conflict Resolution Essay1017 Words  | 5 Pagesaffect how the relationship progresses, it is vital that one posse all the necessary skills to resolve conflict in a way that brings satisfaction to everyone involved. Dewey’s steps provide a clear outline of exactly what needs to be addressed when dealing with conflict. This allows for effective time management and allows all parties to be on the same track or in synchronization about what has to be done. They also assure a fair and even discussion of the problem and allow all parties to play an activeRead MoreConflict Resolution as Per Dewey1014 Words  | 5 Pageshow the relationship progresses, it is vital that one posse all the necessary skills to resolve conflict in a way that brings satisfaction to everyone involved. Dewey s steps provide a clear outline of exactly what needs to be addressed when dealing with conflict. This allows for effective time management and allows all parties to be on the same track or in synchronization about what has to be done. They also assure a fair and even discussion of the problem and allow all parties to play an active
Monday, May 18, 2020
Vygotsky And Vygotsky s Theory Of Development - 791 Words
Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky are prominent influential figures in the field of developmental psychology. The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast their theories of development, as well as identified what can be gained through a better understanding of the theories. A Brief Summary of the Theories of Piaget and Vygotsky Piaget’s theory of development is based on four stages: sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational stage. Piaget believed development was autonomous and individuals went through all stages, albeit some at different rates (Blake and Pope, 2008). Piaget believed children developed knowledge from within (Lourenco, 2012). Lev Vygotsky s work is centered around the basis that development is shaped through an individual s social interactions and cultural influence (Lourenco, 2012). In Vygotsky s concept of the zone of proximal development, he studied what an individual can do without help and what an individual can do with scaffolding from an adult (Blake and Pope, 2008). Similarities in the Theories of Piaget and Vygotsky While Piaget and Vygotsky are thought to be quiet different in their theories of development, similarities can be found. Both men believed in a developmental perspective and t hat development involves interaction within one s own environment. In Piaget s assimilation/accommodation and Vygotsky s internalization/externalization, a learner uses these processes to make sense of new information.Show MoreRelatedVygotsky And Vygotsky s Theory Of Cognitive Development Of Thought And Language Essay1060 Words  | 5 PagesAilà n Florencia Thought and Language: independent processes. With the passing of time, the development of thought and language has been the object of study for psychologists such as Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky. The former drastically influenced the study of thought and speech with his theory of cognitive development and his clinical method. The latter also made his contribution with his sociocultural theory. Although language and thought may be analysed as associate one to the other, both of themRead MoreVygotsky s Theory Of Cognitive Development917 Words  | 4 Pagesand Margetts (2012) demonstrate that cognitive development is much more than the addition of new facts and ideas to an existing store of information - maturation, activity and social transmission influence cognitive development. One very respected researcher of cognitive development and, in particular, sociocultural effects on such development, was Lev Vygotsky, whose original Russian journal articles are now available in English. Vygotsky’s theory revolves around peer-mediated learning, and hasRead MoreVygotsky s Theory On Cognitive Development Essay733 Words  | 3 Pages â…“ of a page on vygotsky Lev Semionovich Vygotsky was a Russian psychologist and constructivist learning theorist who was known for arguing against the theories of psychologist Jean Piaget. Piaget believed that in order for any learning to occur there had to development within the individual first, but Vygotsky argued the contrary. He argued that in order for development to occur, the individual would first have to have learning take place through instruction and example in a given appropriate environmentRead MoreVygotsky s Theory Of Identity Development Essay1570 Words  | 7 PagesSocial development is one of the most significant aspects of a childs life, for they can not live with out social interaction, the moment they are born they are being interacted with, typically social development happens to everyone throughout their life, with the rare cases of adults becoming hermits, there is no escape from developing socially to fit in with those around you, or to stand out. works along side emotional development as how we develop socially affects our emotions and the emotionsRead MoreVygotsky s Theory Of Human Development1386 Words  | 6 PagesLev Vygotsky was an educator and a theorist known primarily for his sociocultural theory. Vygotsky developed the sociocultural theory, which is the theory of human development through social and cultural influences (Aimin, 2013), during the 1920’s-30’s. One of Vygotsky’s focuses was the concept of the zone of proximal development (ZPD), which is the idea of a child being appropriately challenged, this will be discussed further on. His theory stemmed from how children’s learning is impacted greatlyRead MoreVygotsky s Theory Of Cognitive Development1149 Words  | 5 Pages Piaget and Vygotsky are two well-known individuals in the history of psychology. The two psychologists held different beliefs regarding Cognitive Development in children. According to the text, â€Å"Piagetâ₠¬â„¢s theory of cognitive development proposes that a child’s intellect, or cognitive ability, progress through four distinct stages†(Pg. 25). The stages are Sensorimotor Stage, Preoperational Stage, Concrete Operational Stage, and Formal Operational Stage. Piaget found that each stage occurs as a childRead MoreChild Development And Vygotsky s Theory Essay2098 Words  | 9 Pagesthe ability to solve problems. It is manifested through the capability to find solutions to complex issues. By comparing two theories of child development, namely, the Piaget s approach to cognitive development and Vygotsky s social constructivist perspective, it will become clear that the nature of epistemological beliefs held by teachers might influence the development of children. This in turn suggests that problem-solving abilities in children can be influenced and improved by contextual factorsRead MoreVygotsky s Theory Of Cognitive Development1365 Words  | 6 PagesVygotsky’ s Theory of Cognitive Development the Biopsychosocial Framework In researching various development theories, one of those that stand out is cognitive development theory. Cognitive development theory studies â€Å"how people think and how thinking changes over time†(Kail Cavanaugh, 14). One of the leading theorists in this area was Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky. He was one of the first theorists to consider the sociocultural influences on a child’s development. His research allowedRead MoreComparing Piaget And Vygotsky s Theory Of Cognitive Development813 Words  | 4 Pagesand Lev Vygotsky are considered to be very prominent figures in the area of cognitive development. Both of these men considered themselves a constructivist, which entails a viewpoint that is concerned with the nature of knowledge. In their lifetime, both of them made contributions in the area of education and even after death, their theories still influence teaching methods. The purpose of this paper is to show some similarities as well as differences in the theories of Piaget and Vygotsky and whatRead MoreVygotsky s Sociocultural Theory Of Development2288 Words  | 10 Pageswill discuss the overlying theory of Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory of Development as well as Piaget’s Stages of Development. Through outlining each theory and describing the research, a better understanding will be gained in how each can be applied within a primary classroom. Within the sociocultural theory of development lies terms which will be discussed and critiqued in regards to education. The main terms which will be reviewed are the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), a more knowledgeable
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Language Acquisition And Learning Of Linguistics - 985 Words
On the contrary, teachers may leave University with extensive theoretical knowledge about linguistics but it can be sometimes seem far removed from the real concrete situations they face in the field; and just one practical case they have to deal with may give them more insight into a problem and its solutions than any amount of theoretical understanding. In this sense, it is noteworthy that much of linguistics today is corpus-based. Which means that the theories actually come from studying real world texts and are therefore founded in practical experience. A language teacher can build on linguistics research trough their own experience to improve their teaching ability. Within this context, a teacher gaining knowledge from practice will have real samples on how language is used by their students regarding language acquisition and learning; so they will be able to base their investigations on them. The more practice teachers have the wider learners corpora will be there for the dev elopment of this technique, allowing them to detect and recognise the most frequent uses and structures with a view to introduce them in the curriculum. (Gries, S, 2009) Regarding content and methodology of subjects, which are a very important part and require reflection and prior design, there are significant advantages University learning can bring. With prior academic learning teachers will doubtlessly have a much clearer idea of sequencing and segmenting the content- by using differentShow MoreRelatedInnateness of Children’s Language Acquisition1371 Words  | 6 PagesThe subtlety of language acquisition has been the most fundamental question in the study of linguistics and human development. From Bow-wow Theory to Yo-He-Ho Theory, major theories on the origins and learnability of language have emerged in mid-20th century and heavily debated ever since. Among them, the idea of universal grammar in which is usually credited to linguist Noam Chomsky, remains the most notable and controversial theory over time. He introduced and developed the theory from 1950s toRead MoreThe subtlety of language acquisition has been the most fundamental qu estion in the study of1500 Words  | 6 PagesThe subtlety of language acquisition has been the most fundamental question in the study of linguistics and human development. From Bow-wow Theory to Yo-He-Ho Theory, the major theories on language origins and learnability emerged at mid-20th century and has been heavily debated ever since. Among them, the idea of universal grammar in which is usually credited to linguist Noam Chomsky, remains the most notable and controversial theory over time. He introduced and developed the t heory from 1950sRead MoreEnglish Language Learners ( Ells )1269 Words  | 6 PagesEnglish language learners (ELLs) are people who have to acquire a second additional language and culture. In another words, ELLs are people who do not speak English as their first language. According to the National Center for Educational Statistics (2014), the percentage of public school students in the United States who were English language learners was higher in school ye ar 2012–13 (9.2 percent, or an estimated 4.4 million students) than in 2002–03 (8.7 percent, or an estimated 4.1 million students)Read MoreMajor Theories Of First Language Acquisition1390 Words  | 6 PagesThere are three major theories of first language acquisition, which are nativist approach, behavior approach, and functional approach. There are still some scholars who challenge these theories. As to nativism, Chomsky (1965) held the view that we are born with a genetic capacity to perceive and acquire the language, and that the capacity is contained in the language acquisition device. He proposes that the language organ helps children acquire languages. In another word, the theory proposes thatRead MoreDifference Between Linguistic And Linguistic Studies1097 Words  | 5 PagesIn the following essay, I am going to present a comparison between two linguistic studies. Constructing another Language-Usage Based Linguistics in Second Language Acquisition by Eskil dsen and Sources of Linguistic Knowledge in the second language acquisition of English articles by Ionin, Zubizarreta, and Maldonado are going to be contrasted regarding their theoretical frameworks, research questions and research designs together with the conclusions reached. Reading the two studies, certain conclusionsRead MoreThe First Article Is Chaos / Complexity Science And Second Language Acquisition1109 Words  | 5 Pagestitle of the first article is Chaos/ complexity Science and Second Language Acquisition. The author indicates immediately the significant similarities between second language acquisition (SLA) and the new science of Chaos/complexity happening in nature, and she expresses her hope that learning about nonlinear systems will discourage reductionist form oversimplifying and explaining matters of interest to second language acquisition researchers. Feathers of Complex Nonlinear system: Chaos/complexityRead MoreStudy Into Dyslexia And Bilingual Acquisition During The Critical Period1528 Words  | 7 PagesI recently attended a talk given by Dr. Ioulia Kovelman of the UM Psychology department; she was presenting her research into dyslexia and bilingual acquisition during the critical period. 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Methodology in Second Language Learning
Question: Discuss about the Methodology in Second Language Learning. Answer: Introduction: The aim of the following discourse is to make a critical reflection on a particular lesson taught by a teacher. More precisely, the present assignment is going to evaluate activities of a particular lesson and thereafter to describe and assess one particular episode from the entire lesson. The objective regarding accomplishing these above-mentioned activities is to relate the lesson activities with certain theoretical concepts of second language learning. The ultimate purpose of evaluating key phases of the lesson is to understand and denote the relevance and influence of the lesson activities on teaching. For accomplishing this motive, the present paper has chosen the video clip of Illustration of Personalised Learning that has been published by the ACARA (Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority). The considered video clip is about a particular second language-teaching pattern pursued by a teacher who has classroom of 27 students among whom 18 students are learning the English language as an additional language (EAL/D). It has been understood from the video and as per the brief elaboration given by the teacher herself that the lesson shown in the video is part of a particular unit of work among the students where they are to create stories (, 2017). Moreover, from the video it has been understood that the teacher has integrated the lesson content from the strands of literacy, language as well as literature. However, prior to describe the sequences of the chosen lesson, it is required to mention that the distinct video has been chose as per the reason that personalised learning as designed by ACARA is relevant in addressing individual needs of language learning (Gibbons, 2006). It should be considered here that personalised learning of ACARA prioritiz es the general capabilities of the teachers to design rigorous as well as applicable learning lesson and integrate it with the age-equivalent learning contents (Aimin, 2013). Most significantly, the considered video has been chosen because the teaching pattern pursued by the teacher is found to be persuasive and applicable. After watching the selected video clip, it has been understood that the chief aim of the teacher is to support the students of EAL/D in acquiring oral as well as written proficiency in English language (, 2017). The video shows that through the particular lesson, which is creating stories, the teacher is teaching the EAL/D students to acquire the ability of structuring texts, giving punctuation, making right pronunciation and making use of correct grammar and vocabulary. The activities related to the particular lesson starts with a brief introduction given by the teacher about her profession and about the distinct lesson that she is going to display. Her brief is quickly followed by the course of engaging the students in the story-creating activity, which is further pursued by an EAL/D students act of successfully creating a short story (, 2017). Later, the video shows how the teacher is monitoring the students and teaching them t o make correct use of grammar and encouraging them to write their stories. The video further includes an activity in which the teacher provides sheets to individual students and asks them to write the story each of them has created. The sequence of activities gradually ends up by the teachers elaboration about her teaching style and the significant components along with supportive teaching strategies those she integrated throughout the lesson for accomplishing her goal (, 2017). In this context, it is significant to denote that among several activities, which have been shown in the video, the most significant one is identified to be the particular procedure applied by the teacher to encourage the students to create new stories. The distinct episode included an interesting way of encouraging and engaging students of EAL/D in the creating stories lesson. More precisely, in the particular activity the teacher arranges several instructions for creating stories within several hoops and instructs the students to accomplish the instructions by stepping into each of the hoops. The particular activity is found to be most exciting and persuasive as per the reason that the teacher applied her general capabilities in an interesting way through which the aim of attracting students and thereafter engaging them to tell stories has been understandably achieved. Most significantly, in the activity, the teacher inaugurates the activity by selecting a student who according to the teacher herself has had very poor idea and skills about English language (, 2017). Within the activity, the teacher is found to be supportive and encouraging towards the students. It should be considered here that one of the chief ability of second language teachers is to give focus on interactive comprehensions and less focus on the conscious grammatical guidelines. Henceforth, considering the particular activity of the video, it can be said that the teacher has successfully engaged herself in promoting maximum learning. Most importantly, the chosen section of video is significant for contemplating as per the reason that the teacher has fruitfully abided the necessary rule of providing communicative as well as comprehensible inputs to the learners. In this context, it is essential to denote that the predominant concept of the second language acquisition way, says that it is essential to maintain the key driving factor that is language input, which every student needs to receive (Eckman et al., 2013). It is also considered that second language acquisition is a particular process that includes scientific disciplines of teaching (Benthin, 2015). Considering the selected video and the particular activity, it is understandable that the teacher has followed the basic concepts of the socio-cultural theory as well as the theoretical approach of Stephen Krashen regarding second language acquisition. According to the socio-cultural theory of second language acquisition, development of human cognitive as well as standard mental function is achievable by integrating the socio-cultural as well as the biological aspects (Mills, 2014). The socio-cultural theory focuses on the fact that in the process of human cognitive development, there is a dominant role of the socio-cultural circumstances (Lantolf et al., 2015). In other words, the primary idea of socio-cultural theory denotes that the human minds function by participating in the cultural mediation, which is integrated into various social activities (Ellis, 2015). After watching and understanding the teaching style and components used by the teaching individual, it can be said that the teacher has successfully applied the theoretical percept of socio-cultural theory. It is because; the video indicates that the teacher gathers all the EAL/D students and engaging them into creating and telling stories and sharing them with each other. Therefore, understandably the teacher has prioritized the socio-cultural theoretical concept and used the key percept in teaching the students about second language acquisition. On the other hand, Stephen Krashens concept of second l anguage acquisition says that the way of language acquisition does not need an extensive utilization of grammatical rules (Gass, 2013). Krashens theory further suggests that comprehensible input is the most essential ingredient for a successful acquisition of second language (Krashen, 2013). The theoretical concept of Krashen regarding a proper language acquisition is dependent upon five chief hypotheses, which are acquisition-learning hypothesis, monitor hypothesis, natural order hypothesis, input hypothesis and affective filter hypothesis (Harmer, 2015). The activity pursued by the teacher in the selected video seems to the acquisition-learning, monitor and input hypotheses. It is because; the teacher is engaging her students in meaningful interaction and thereafter utilizing the function of monitoring to influence the acquisition process. According to Stephen Krashens theoretical hypothesis of monitoring, monitoring is the particular act that plan, edit as well as correct the primary functions of the acquisition system (Larson, 2014). Therefore, monitoring is an integral part of the second language acquisition system. Finally, it is to say that the input hypothesis is also evident in the video as per the reason that the students in the video are found to acquire compr ehensible input of second language in form of creating and writing stories. The input hypothesis says that students of second language learning improve and successfully progress when they receive comprehensible inputs (Krashen, 2013). Most significantly, it is to mention in this respect that the video has helped me to obtain a more coherent understanding about a prominent teaching process of second language acquisition. The video is a significant piece that has helped to understand the utilization of common activities in terms of comprehension, which can act as appropriate comprehensive input for the students. On the other hand, the video is significant as it has helped to realize the fact that monitoring is an essential responsibility for a teacher of second language. It has helped to enlighten the fact that as a teacher it would be essential in future to engage the students in social activities like sharing feelings or playing comprehensive games with each other for the purpose of second language acquisition. Furthermore, it has been also learnt that instead of the fact that grammar acquisition is essential for every student of second language acquisition though it is necessary first to bring the student in a co mfort zone. Socio-cultural activities like sharing stories or playing comprehensive games together and complete support from the teachers are two significant aspects, which can make the students comfortable. References Aimin, L. (2013). The study of second language acquisition under socio-cultural theory.American journal of educational research,1(5), 162-167. Benthin, A. (2015).Krashen's Monitor Theory on the Relation between Spontaneous and Guided Language Learning. GRIN Verlag. Eckman, F. R., Mileham, J., Weber, R. R., Highland, D., Lee, P. W. (2013).Second language acquisition theory and pedagogy. Routledge. Ellis, R. (2015).Understanding Second Language Acquisition 2nd Edition-Oxford Applied Linguistics. Oxford university press. Gass, S. M. (2013).Second language acquisition: An introductory course. Routledge. Gibbons, P. (2006). Bridging discourses in the ESL classroom. Continuum, London Harmer, J. (2015). The practice of English language teaching (5th ed). Harlow, England: Pearson Education. Illustrations of personalised learning - IOPL00012 - The Australian Curriculum v7.5. (2017) Retrieved 26 March 2017, from Krashen, S. (2013). The Effect of Direct Instruction on Pronunciation: Only Evident When Conditions for Monitor Use Are Met?.GiST: Education and Learning Research Journal, (7), 271-275. Lantolf, J. P., Thorne, S. L., Poehner, M. E. (2015). Sociocultural theory and second language development.Theories in second language acquisition: An introduction, 207-226. Larson, L. E. (2014).Methods for Targeting Vocabulary Development in Second Language Learners: A Systematic Review(Doctoral dissertation, Texas Christian University Fort Worth, Texas). Mills, N. (2014). Self-efficacy in second language acquisition.Multiple perspectives on the self in SLA, 6-22.
Growth of Clothing Retail Industry
Question: Discuss about the Growth of Clothing Retail Industry. Answer: Introduction: The clothing industry in Australia is one of the main sectors in retail trade. The clothing and apparel industry has faced a lot of difficulty in the previous years in Australia. The industry however has seen a little growth in the year 2015. The clothing and foot ware industry depends on a lot of factors like the fashion trends, customers choice and others (Okonkwo 2016). In the past few years, the foreign clothing retail companies are also entering the Australian market for trade. As a result, the indigenous companies are facing problems (Chen and Li 2016). The clothing industry has started using the new technologies like the online shopping, online marketing, use of digital media and others. This has improved the business of the clothing market of Australia. The clothing industry in Australia is still in a maturing state (Ewing 2014). The challenges that were faced in the clothing industry are due to the changes in the economic condition of the people of the country. The consumers became aware in spending due to the changes in the economic conditions (Casidy 2012). The growth of the Australian clothing industry is being studied in this research. The main factors that affect the growth of clothing industry will be discussed in this research work. The proposal gives an idea about the methods of data collection and the analysis of such data. The possible interpretation of the results of analysis of data is given in this proposal. The main problem statement in this research is to analyze the growth of clothing industry in Australia and the factors behind such growth. Literature review: The clothing retail industry in Australia is one of the major retail sectors of the country. The sector contributes a large portion o the GDP of the country. The past few years this sector however has not seen much growth. The change in economy of the country has resulted in the decline of this industry (Fry 2013). Due to inflation and other economic factors the consumers has become cautious about spending. The indigenous companies are also facing competition from the foreign companies. The foreign companies are entering into the Australian market over the last few years. All these factors have led to the decline of this industry (Gardetti and Torres 2013). The clothing industry can be classified into many different sectors such as the clothing, fashionable apparels, apparels and footwear and others. The fashion is a very important factor in the apparel industry. The company that has a fashion line is more preferable than the ordinary companies. The fashion line has led to the growth of companies like Nike, Adidas and others. These companies mostly trade in sports goods and apparels. The brand value of the companies is also an important factor for the growth of these industries (Singleton 2013). There are more than 40 popular clothing companies in Australia. The fashion sense o the customer is one of the driving forces behind the growth of this industry. The customer of these popular brands like Nike is mostly college goers. The generation Y has a strong sense of fashion. The fashion sense of the customer is changing day by day. The foreign companies are finding advantage for this change. The foreign companies could expand their busines s in the Australian market owing to these changes (Brooks 2013). The country Australia does not have many large fashion companies. There are only two branded fashion companies in the country namely Billabong and Rip Curl. The company Billabong accounts for 1.5 billion Australian dollars while the company Rip Curl accounts for almost 884 million Australian dollars. The fashion industry of Australia contributes more than 75000 Australian dollars to the GDP of the country. The total employment in the clothing, textile and foot ware industry of Australia is 37000 (Mohan Kathuria 2013). The fitness and athletics clothing industry also forms a part of the clothing industry of Australia. The fitness and athletic clothing industry however has shown a growth over the years. The main reason for the growth of this industry is the changing consumer behavior. The consumers have started using gym clothes due to comfort in these clothes. There is a high demand of gym clothing in the Australian market (Jegethesan, Sneddon and Soutar 2012). The management of supply chain has also facilitated the growth of these industries. The foreign companies like H M COS are expanding their territories in Australia. The company COS has opened a store in Sydney in the year 2014. There is no such leading company in foot ware and apparel business in Australia. The South African company MRP has entered Australian market in the year 2015 (Robinson and Hsieh 2016). The sector has shown a marginal improvement in the year 2015. The customers demand for the latest designs has been increased in the present time. The clothing industry has also improved due to digitalization. The use of social media sites has also led to the growth of this sector of industry. The concepts of online advertisement, online shopping has greatly benefitted the industry (Brooks and Simon 2012). Variables and hypothesis: The main variables in this research work are the total profits generated by the clothing retail industry, the number of indigenous companies in the industry, the foreign companies that are entering in the industry, the employment status in this industry, the contribution of the industry to the GDP of the country and others. The profit of the industry is taken as the dependent variable and the other variables as the independent variable. The hypotheses of the research work are as follows: H01: The clothing retail industry has not shown any major changes over the years. H11: The clothing retail industry has shown a major change in growth over the years. The variable of profit of the companies is measured in terms of the Australian dollars. The GDP of the country, the numbers of companies that are operating in the country, the employment status of the industry are all obtained for the whole country. Since this figures are quite large, these figures are associated with errors. There is no such constraint involved in doing the research work. Research design and methodology: The research involves qualitative method of study. The data collected for the research work is secondary data. The secondary data about the number of people involved in clothing retail industry, employment status of the industry, the impact of the industry to the economy of the country and others are obtained from the official websites and other websites. The data has been collected for a particular span of time. The data can be collected for a period of 10 years. There is some ethics related to any kind of research. The researcher cannot forget the ethical issues while doing the research work. The researcher has not violated the ethics in this research work. The researcher has obtained the data from the websites and other sources ethically. The places where the data are not available, the researcher has paid to obtain the data. The researcher has not taken any unethical measures such as hacking or others to obtain the data. The data obtained for the purpose of the research is secondary data. Therefore, the data is not subjected any kind of sampling procedures. However, the data has been collected for a particular span of time. Data analysis: The analysis of the data so collected is carried out with the help of different statistical tools and techniques. The measures of descriptive statistics have been calculated for the variables. The mean, median, standard deviation, variance, range and others has been calculated for the study. A comparison among the previous and past year figures will help to understand the growth of the industry. A time series analysis can be performed to know about the growth of this sector. The values of the profit from this sector can be plotted along with time. An increasing trend in the values will help to know that the dataset has an increasing trend. A regression analysis can also be performed by taking the profit as the dependent variable and the other variables such as the GDP of the country, employment status of this sector, number of firms in this sector and others as independent variable. A significant value of the beta co efficient of the regression model will explain that the variable ha s an impact on the profit of this sector. Conclusion The research will be carried out to know about the condition of the clothing retail industry in Australia. The research will point out the problems faced by the clothing retail industry in the present years. The possible remedy to these problems will also be discussed in this research. The analysis and conclusions from the research will help to take a close look into the problems faced by clothing retail industry. The proposal points out the problems in the particular sector of research. An extensive literature review has been conducted to know about the problems of the clothing retail industry. The methods of data collection and the analysis of the data are also given in this proposal. References: Brooks, A. and Simon, D., 2012. Unravelling the Relationships between Used?Clothing Imports and the Decline of African Clothing Industries.Development and Change,43(6), pp.1265-1290. Brooks, A., 2013. Stretching global production networks: The international second-hand clothing trade.Geoforum,44, pp.10-22. Casidy, R., 2012. An empirical investigation of the relationship between personality traits, prestige sensitivity, and fashion consciousness of Generation Y in Australia.Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ),20(4), pp.242-249. Chen, E.K. and Li, K.W., 2016. Manufactured export expansion in Hong Kong and Asian-Pacific regional cooperation.Manufactured Exports of East Asian Industrializing Economies and Possible Regional Cooperation, p.70. Ewing, E., 2014.History of 20th century fashion. Pavilion Books. Fry, E., 2013. The condition of the urban wage earning class in Australia in the 1880's. Gardetti, M.A. and Torres, A.L. eds., 2013.Sustainability in fashion and textiles: values, design, production and consumption. Greenleaf Publishing. Jegethesan, K., Sneddon, J.N. and Soutar, G.N., 2012. Young Australian consumers' preferences for fashion apparel attributes.Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal,16(3), pp.275-289. Mohan Kathuria, L., 2013. Analyzing competitiveness of clothing export sector of India and Bangladesh: Dynamic revealed comparative advantage approach.Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal,23(2), pp.131-157. Okonkwo, U., 2016.Luxury fashion branding: trends, tactics, techniques. Springer. Robinson, P.K. and Hsieh, L., 2016. Reshoring: a strategic renewal of luxury clothing supply chains.Operations Management Research,9(3-4), pp.89-101. Singleton, J., 2013.World Textile Industry. Routledge.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Using Teams at the Engineered Materials Business Unit Essay Essay Example
Using Teams at the Engineered Materials Business Unit Essay Essay Amalgamate Products is a multibillion-dollar company headquartered in Atlanta. Georgia. which specializes in a big choice of merchandises and services. It is a planetary company with many locations around the universe. The company consists of a really little staff. and its organisational construction is really decentralised. with each concern unit held accountable for its ain P A ; L. In the early 1980’s the corporation began its scheme of geting several new companies. In 1999. Consolidated Products purchased a concern unit. Engineered Materials. from Andreas Manufacturing. Engineered Materials was the smallest of the five companies that were portion of the Consolidated Products acquisitions during the last two decennaries. Amalgamate Products recognized the differences in the company and its new acquisition from the beginning and understood that challenges would ensue in the integrating procedure. Engineered Materials brought along its civilization from Andreas Manufacturing. which was an old school manner of thought and rigorous hierarchal organisational construction. Over the past few old ages. it has focused its attempts on seeking to alter and incorporate the civilization of Engineered Materials in order to suit into the entrepreneurial manner of the overall company. Unfortunately. its attempts were non successful. In 2003. the company’s gross revenues consequences had decreased by eight per centum. while many of its rivals had gained over five per centum. We will write a custom essay sample on Using Teams at the Engineered Materials Business Unit Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Using Teams at the Engineered Materials Business Unit Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Using Teams at the Engineered Materials Business Unit Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Effective leading and cross-functional squads are ever of import factors within a company to derive success. An effectual leader is critical when it comes to running a company. It is highly of import for an effectual squad leader to possess great communicating accomplishments to be able to pull off several employees or squad members. Besides. a team leader must demo assurance when taking determination and giving out orders to his or her employees. Others look up to person that is confident and that provides the motive to act upon each and everyone one of its staff members to endeavor for success. At the same clip. a team leader should ever be respectful to others and ever cognize when to take the incrimination when something goes incorrect. Even though there is a strong relationship between leading and cross-functional squad leaders. leading it is non the lone of import feature in a cross-functional squad. A cross-functional squad leader must be able to put ends and aims for squad members to carry through. Since employees from different sections of a company are acquiring together to work as a group. it is highly of import for a squad leader to construct upper direction sponsorship and support. to be able to supply all the resources necessary for the squad. Besides. by adding positive squad kineticss with clear and broad communicating. a cross-functional squad leader can be able to accomplish the team’s ends. All these features of leading and cross-functional squad leaders will assist work out the issues in Amalgamate Products. Issues such as employees non being committed to their assignment. or non understanding squad ends. will no longer be a battle within the organisation. Therefore. Amalgamate Products can go even more successful and go on to turn as a company. In any cross-functional squad it is of import to be able to hold the right resources available at all times in orde r to be successful. doing certain that everything is in topographic point before a squad starts working together. Therefore. sing resources and logistics plays an of import function when it comes to a cross-functional squad. Some of the inquiries that cross-functional squad leaders should reply before piecing a group together are: Do you need dedicated squad infinite? Does the squad necessitate a budget? Does the squad member have entree to all the information from the different sections involved? Is a shared country needed for hive awaying information? These are some of the of import issues that can impact the effectivity of a team’s public presentation. By doing certain that upper direction is back uping and patronizing the team’s activities. a cross-functional squad leader would be able to supply the resources necessary to be able to public presentation successfully as a squad. When a company purchases a new division. it is of import that they provide change direction in order to do the passage go swimmingly. In this instance. the new Engineered Materials division is holding som e issues with the new squad based direction manner. One manner to assist passage this division is to supply preparation to the employees. First. you would desire to interview the employees and roll up informations on precisely why they are holding jobs within their squads. We would so desire to take analyze the information and understand which ailments can be fixed by direction. and which ailments are due to the deficiency of preparation in the squads. We would so take all of the factors that can be influenced by preparation and interrupt them up into classs. When analysing the instance. we decided that there are many countries that should be explained better and need extra preparation in order to hold an influence on the squad members. The first measure in the preparation procedure that we decided on would be implementing a wages system that would incentivize the members so that they will non hold the feeling that it is non in their occupation description. They should informed that the squad procedure is portion of their occupation a nd that they will each be held accountable for public presentation. Management besides should put up squad edifice exercisings for each squad. The squads do non cognize each other really good and hence they do non hold assurance in the other members. If the squads were to be involved in exercisings that help to construct relationships among them. so the members would work better together. The squads should be advised on what the ends are for them. Then the direction should include the benefits to accomplishing these ends. The squad members will respond otherwise if they are introduced to benefits that are individualized and non merely company benefits. There should be a scheduled clip for the squads to run into. and the squad public presentation should be evaluated. Management should hold a meeting that every squad member is required to go to. During this meeting. they should discourse the benefits to holding a squad based direction system. Management should besides portion positive experiences that other companies have had that would assist act upon the importance of the construct. During this meeting. companywide ends should be discussed. All employees are funny about what they are working towards in every section. It helps to supply an overview of the vision and what they are endeavoring towards. Whenever squads meet their ends. they should be announced throughout the whole company. Each member of the squad should be given acknowledgment. Last. the direction needs to be cognizant of what the squads need to be successful and should supply them back up to promote them to work difficult towards the ends. Our confer withing squad has decided that if the Consolidated direction follows our suggestions and gathers a farther apprehension of what it takes to construct and keep the squads. they should hold a successful execution of the squads. As we have stated. the company needs to work on doing the members understand the importance of the squad determinations. and they should besides supply them extended preparation. The squad leaders should be provided specific developing on how to take a group successfully. The squad leader must hold full committedness towards the squad. and must work with the members to come up with the best thoughts. Developing a squad typically goes through four phases. The squad goes through organizing. ramping. norming. and executing. The Engineered Materials division is presently in the storming phase. Once equal preparation and apprehension is provided. the company will travel onto the following phase. Transfering a concern from a hierarchal direction manner to a squad based manner is non easy. and takes clip. Plants Citedâ€Å"Setting up a Cross-Functional Team. †– Team Management Skills from MindTools. com. N. p. . n. d. Web. 02 Nov. 2012. â€Å"Managing Cross-Functional Teams. †– Team Management Training from MindTools. com. N. p. . n. d. Web. 02 Nov. 2012. â€Å"Bruce Tuckman: Forming Ramping Norming Performing Team Development. †Businessballs. com. N. p. . n. d. Web. 01 Nov. 2012. .
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Patricide Essays - Fatherhood, Homicide, Family, Patricide
Patricide Essays - Fatherhood, Homicide, Family, Patricide Patricide In the time of the Romans, the punishment for patricide was to be sewn up in a sack that had a monkey, snake, rooster, and dog inside, and then to be thrown in a river. Each of the animals in the bag had some specific meaning to them, and being sewn up in a sack and tossed into the river also had a specific function to the murderer. Thus this punishment became the proper way to punish the guilty. In the Roman era, patricide had become a major problem, so it was decided that for whomever held a title in Rome, there would be a meeting to discuss how to get rid of the problem and punish appropriately. The title holders decided that the best way to punish the young men, and to stop them from thinking of committing the sin, was to make them die, as well as make them feel everything their father had, and to regret their crime. This decision then became the chosen consequence for the crime of patricide. The significance of the animals was to torture the perpetrator in a particular way for his crime. The importance of the snake was that the snake was evil, dating back to the Garden of Eden, where it posed as the Devil and deceived Eve. While the victim was alive, the snake would be there to remind him of the ultimate sin-the deception of one?s own father. The rooster is primarily known for his crowing, and thus his crows would remind the sinner of his guilt, so that he couldn?t escape from what he did. The dog?s function in the sack would be to howl, not only to be deafening and frightening, but also to evoke the wrath of the gods upon him. The monkey represents torture, because it is capable of mimicking human actions. It would mimic the son?s behavior and re-enact the murder of the son?s All four of these animals perform at least one role in torturing the boy, and so that he would be forced to think about what he had done to his father. The purpose of the sack was to increase tenfold the agony which his father suffered, and also to make him regret his decision to kill his father. With each passing moment, the torment would get progressively worse, so that the boy would get a taste of the Hell that was to be his afterlife, as punishment for committing patricide. The sack represented a way in which to make the boy suffer much more, and quickly before he drowned. The son was thrown into the river so that he could feel the way his father?s panic when he killed him. The water would serve to scare the son in the way his father felt when he realized that his own son had turned on him. The sewn sack would prevent the son?s escape so he would realize there would be no turning back from his actions. These different elements of punishment combined to make the murderer truly suffer each aspect of the crime through the torture. The closed sack with animal reminders of different aspects of the murder would serve as a deterrent to living observers. This ritual is a fitting punishment for the crime.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Political Conservatism and the Role of Religion
Political Conservatism and the Role of Religion Quite often, those on the left of the political spectrum dismiss political conservative ideology as the product of religious fervor. At first blush, this makes sense. After all, the conservative movement is populated by people of faith. Christians, Evangelicals, and Catholics tend to embrace the key aspects of conservatism, which include limited government, fiscal discipline, free enterprise, a strong national defense, and traditional family values. This is why many conservative Christians side with Republicanism politically. The Republican Party is most associated with championing these conservative values. Members of the Jewish faith, on the other hand, tend to drift toward the Democratic party because history supports it, not because of a particular ideology. According to author and essayist Edward S. Shapiro in American Conservatism: An Encyclopedia, most Jews are descendants of central and Eastern Europe, whose liberal parties in contrast to right-wing opponents favored Jewish emancipation and the lifting of economic and social restrictions on Jews. As a result, Jews looked to the Left for protection. Along with the rest of their traditions, Jews inherited a left-wing bias after emigrating to the United States, Shapiro says. Russell Kirk, in his book, The Conservative Mind, writes that, with the exception of antisemitism, The traditions of race and religion, the Jewish devotion to family, old usage, and spiritual continuity all incline the Jew toward conservatism. Shapiro says Jewish affinity for the left was cemented in the 1930s when Jews enthusiastically supported Franklin D. Roosevelts New Deal. They believed that the New Deal had succeeded in alleviating the social and economic conditions in which antisemitism flourished and, in the election of 1936, Jews supported Roosevelt by a ratio of nearly 9 to 1. While its fair to say that most conservatives use faith as a guiding principle, most try to keep it out of political discourse, recognizing it as something intensely personal. Conservatives often will say that the Constitution guarantees its citizens freedom of religion, not freedom from religion. In fact, there is plenty of historical evidence that proves, despite Thomas Jeffersons famous quote about a wall of separation between church and state, the Founding Fathers expected religion and religious groups to play an important role in the development of the nation. The religion clauses of the First Amendment guarantee the free exercise of religion, while at the same time protecting the nations citizens from religious oppression. The religion clauses also ensure that the federal government cannot be overtaken by one particular religious group because Congress cannot legislate one way or another on an establishment of religion. This precludes a national religion but also prevents the government from interfering with religions of any kind. For contemporary conservatives, the rule of thumb is that practicing faith publicly is reasonable, but proselytizing in public is not.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Case Study - Essay Example It is also regarded as the third largest public organization in the world according to a list released by Fortune Global 500 in 2012. Wal-Mart belongs to the retail sector industry (Adair 41). In addition, Wal-Mart is perceived to be the largest private employer in the universe employing approximately 2 million workers. The departments of Wal-Mart are divided in three retail designs that are popular in America. They include Wal-Mart Markets, Supercenters, and Discount stores. Wal-Mart Markets are utilized to fill the gap between supercenters and discount stores, providing several commodities, for example, pharmaceuticals, groceries, among others. Supercenters are hypermarkets which contains everything in a discount store and a full-service supermarket. Finally, discount stores contain a selection of groceries and general commodities. Organizational Strategy Wal-Mart incorporation has a mission of assisting individuals to save finances so that they can have better lives. This mission was devised by the company’s chief executive officer, Sam Walton. The mission directs all activities undertaken at the company. This means that numerous clients can believe Wal-Mart has daily affordable prices. The vision of Wal-Mart is to provide quality products at daily minimal prices, combined with the provision of pleasant services. This has pushed the company to its position as the largest retailer in the whole world. Wal-Mart employs its vision to establish the value of every innovation it takes into account (Vance and Roy 31). The values of Wal-Mart Include respect for the clients, aiming for excellence, and service to the clients. The values help in showing consideration and respect to the suppliers, customer, neighbours, and associates. The company has developed a strong retail brand and a reputation for value of money as action plans for implementing its strategy. In addition, the company has convenience and contains a broad range of commodities in a single store. Wal-Mart plans to purchase addition retail stores in different areas of the world to implement its strategy of aggressive expansion. How the Principles of Management Are Used In the Application of the Strategy The planning for the organization is carried out by managers who get feedback from every worker, every year, with regard to their points of view of their work situation and the implementation of the beliefs and values in the company. This helps them plan for the company’s activities. The managers organize responsibilities among their workers by placing them in strategic areas in the stores where they carryout tasks such as assisting clients find the commodities they need. They use Sam Walton’s personal values to design tasks that will make sure employees engage in activities that improve the company. The management also has developed a business paradigm meant to satisfy the needs of the customer. This outlines the way employees will work. Wal-Mart has managers wh o aspire to offer clients the services and products they require when they need them. They use the outside-in thinking to lead their teams. Their philosophy and approach put the interest of the client before the capabilities of the organization. There have been control issues in Wal-Mart in the past. The company’s acquisition of local retailers in a number of countries generated control issues between Wal-Mart and the people of the local country, for example, the purchase of
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Space Tourism Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Space Tourism - Term Paper Example This cannot be ignored. Businessmen and government must come together and work out a technology that will lessen the carbon emission and also design a program for these space tourism companies to offset the carbon they are emitting. There is an unspoken mantra in technological space: build it and they will come (Taylor, 2006). For years, technological companies spend billions of dollars on research and development of new products and services with no clear market. It’s a risky move but one that almost always pays off. That, in essence, is the business principle followed by space tourism. Vienna has expressed plans on building a spaceport in Asia, Singapore and United Arab Emirate. It will tap Russia in building five space crafts to shoot man into space. Building it will cost anywhere between $115 million to $265 million to build (Malik 2008). The numbers, obviously, are big risks and the obvious concern is whether it is worth pursuing. This paper will examine space tourism from three angles: economic, environmental and cultural. Specifically, this paper will answer the following questions: A qualitative method will be used to collect information about the topic. Published articles, news articles, and published statements will be the main references to analyse the economic, environmental, cultural and educational potential and impact of space tourism. Figures on the target market and potential revenue will be gathered and analysed. The same procedure will be applied to environmental impact. Several studies have already been done that quantifies who space tourism’s economic potential will impact the environment. These numbers will be collected and interpreted. The first space tourist went to space in April 2001. Dennis Tito paid $35 million for the experience of seeing Earth from the space. Since then, only seven people
Friday, January 24, 2020
How excessive Internet use increasingly inflicts negative effects on ou
How excessive Internet use increasingly inflicts negative effects on our society "An estimated 147 million people worldwide accessed the Internet at least once a week from their businesses and home--more than double the 61 million who browsed the Net in 1996, according to a recent report by Computer Industry Almanac." The current estimated statistics show that there are over 63 million home internet users, and with the growing importance of the Internet in everyday life, excessive use and its negative effects are growing. Research shows excessive Internet usage is associated to several growing problems; A few examples are Internet crimes against children, identity theft, and Internet Addiction Disorder. First, According to the U.S. Department of Justice, the Internet is an effective and anonymous way for predators to seek out and groom children for criminal purposes such as producing and distributing child pornography, contacting and stalking children for the purpose of engaging in sexual acts, and exploiting children of sexual tourism for personal and commercial purposes. Predators consider children and young teenagers to be perfect targets for criminal acts because they are commonly trusting, naive, curious, looking for adventures, and eager for attention and affection. With so many children online, the Internet provides predators a new place to target children for criminal acts. Statistics from the "Crimes Against Children Research Center at the Un...
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Reaction Paper on African Short Stories
Reaction Paper 3: South Africa is one on the most controversial countries in the world. It is located in the southern part, at the bottom of the continent of Africa as its name indicates. The country is known to shelter a diversity of languages and cultures. The country went through many violent events opposing the white minority dominating over all other races. Fortunately, a man named Nelson Mandela will change the course of history and impact Africa and the world in a great way.The role of this paper will be to reflect on the socio cultural and economic conditions of folks in South Africa by establishing the thread they all seem to have in common, to elaborate on the context that makes these conditions possible and in the end, we will try to suggest some solutions to these problems. In our study of the South Africans folks, we will use three important stories related to South Africa. These stories can be found in the book African Short Stories, edited by Chinua Achebe. Chinua Ache be is regarded as one of the most influential writers in African literature and all over the world.His trilogy of books about Nigeria and Africa are read all over the world and translated in many languages. He put together a number of stories related to Africa in a little book. These stories for the most part are talking about issues in life and particularly in Africa. The stories that we will use here are therefore related to South Africa. Theses stories are the bridegroom written by Nadine Gordimer, the coffee cart girl written by Ezekiel Mphalele and reflections in a cell put together by Mafika Gwala. All these stories are all reflecting one common thing, the conditions of life of black people in South Africa.The stories generally reflect the effects that apartheid had on the population of South Africa. It is important to clarify what the word apartheid refers to. Apartheid was a system in which racial segregation was the cornerstone and was encouraged and established by the nati onal government. It is important to note that a minority of white people formed the government and that the people that were racially segregated were people of other â€Å"color†, especially the Africans. In the stories presented in the book and on which we are reflecting, you can clearly see that black men and women are struggling.The neighborhood in which they live are extremely poor, the way they speak English is alarming, and the most important part is that the authors always made sure to display the apparent domination of the white people over the black people. Apartheid was the result of colonization. The minority constituted by white people had control over everything and was abusing that power to serve and maintain its selfish interest. As a result, all other racial groups were forced to live to serve the master, going through unimaginable suffering and pain.Apartheid was based on four main ideas: firstly, the population was structured in different groups according to their color. Secondly, only the white race was regarded as the civilized race. Thirdly, white interests should prevent before anybody’s interest. Finally, the white people formed a single nation along with the Afrikaans, formula that made them the largest racial group in the country. Apartheid was maintained by a series of repressive laws that were only made possible by the population Registration Act of 1950. That Registration was considered as the bible of apartheid.IT contained a classification of every person and based on that classification, the best interests of the â€Å"dominating minority†could be best served. People from African decent had their citizenship removed and all kinds of atrocities were committed. The white minority made sure that black people stayed non-educated because they knew that education was the road to emancipation. Luckily, one of the most popular world’s leaders, Nelson Mandela, succeeded in restoring black people rights just li ke Martin Luther king did with the black population here in the United States.Nelson Mandela, just like Martin Luther King applied a policy of non-violence to bring the apartheid system down. Some possible solutions to racial problems could be the adoption of non-violence doctrine like Gandhi and also education. Education can even be considered as the most important factor because leaders need to have an open spirit to be able to direct the masses. Another solution could be the use of religion to strengthen the mind. Religion can be essential and has always been essential in the black community. It brings peace of mind and strength in the war for justice and equality.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Hangover Remedies and Prevention
A hangover is a name given to the unpleasant aftereffects of drinking too much alcohol. While a lucky 25%-30% of drinkers are naturally resistant to experiencing hangovers, the rest of you might want to know how to prevent or cure a hangover. Heres a look at what causes a hangover and some effective hangover remedies. Hangover Symptoms If you have had a hangover, you knew it and didnt need to read a symptom list to get a diagnosis. Alcohol hangovers are characterized by some or all of the following symptoms: dehydration, nausea, headache, fatigue, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence, sensitivity to light and sound, trouble sleeping, difficulty concentrating, and poor depth perception. Many people experience an extreme aversion to the smell, taste, sight, or the thought of alcohol. Hangovers vary, so the range and intensity of symptoms may be different between individuals and from one occasion to another. Most hangovers begin several hours after drinking. A hangover may last as long as a couple of days. Hangover Causes According To Chemistry Drinking an alcoholic beverage that contains impurities or preservatives can give you a hangover, even if you only have one drink. Some of these impurities may be other alcohols besides ethanol. Other hangover-causing chemicals are congeners, which are by-products of the fermentation process. Sometimes impurities are intentionally added, such as zinc or other metals which may be added to sweeten or enhance the flavor of certain liqueurs. Otherwise, it matters what you drink and how much you drink. Drinking to excess is more likely to cause a hangover than drinking moderately. You get a hangover because the ethanol in the drink caused an increase in urine production, leading to dehydration. Dehydration causes headaches, fatigue, and dry mouth. Alcohol also reacts with the stomach lining, which can lead to nausea. Ethanol is metabolized into acetaldehyde, which is actually a lot more toxic, mutagenic, and carcinogenic than the alcohol itself. It takes some time to break down the ace taldehyde into acetic acid, during which youll experience all the symptoms of acetaldehyde exposure. Prevent a Hangover The only sure way to prevent a hangover is to avoid drinking. While you may not be able to totally prevent a hangover, drinking a lot of water or other rehydrating drink will go a long way toward preventing or lessening most hangover symptoms. Hangover Remedies If drinking water didnt help you out enough or its too later and youre already suffering, there are some potentially beneficial remedies. Drink Water: Youll feel miserable until you are rehydrated. Water is an excellent hangover remedy. So is orange juice, unless your stomach is too upset to handle it.Eat Something Simple: Eggs contain cysteine, which may help combat hangover symptoms. Milk is more food than water, but it serves to rehydrate you while supplying calcium, which may ease your misery.Sodium Bicarbonate: Try a spoonful of baking soda in water to help quell the hangover queasiness.Exercise: It raises your metabolic rate, which helps you clear toxins associated with metabolizing alcohol. Exercise helps you deliver oxygen to your cells, which can increase the speed at which you detoxify harmful compounds.Oxygen: Supplemental oxygen is another way to speed up detoxification after drinking alcohol, without having to exercise.Vitamin B1 or Thiamine: Thiamine helps prevent the buildup of glutarate in the brain, which may be associated with part of a headache associated with a hangover. Other B vitamins are deplete d when you drink, so taking a B vitamin complex may be beneficial. Hangover Dont While it may be alright to take a couple of aspirin to deal with a hangover, dont take a couple of acetaminophen (Tylenol) tablets. Alcohol with acetaminophen is a recipe for potentially lethal liver damage.
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